"When I compliment you, you won't believe me," (Ricky, E.J)

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A/N: I had this idea a while ago and forgot about it. But here it is. Gleeks will like this ;) Oh and you might need tissues. Bonus points if you know what song the title/lyric is from before you finish the story :)


Ricky's POV:

Two and a half weeks ago, my mom called from Chicago to tell me that she wants me to be the best man at her wedding. The wedding that she's having with Todd. The one I initially didn't want her to have but had to learn that she was happy with him after a few months of struggling with my breakup that I had with Nini.

At first, I told her that I didn't want to be the best man at her wedding but I didn't tell her why and I heard her sob on the phone which kinda made me feel bad so I immediately changed my mind and said that I would do it. I said no at first because I didn't want to sit through a ceremony and reception watching my mom get married to Todd but then I said yes because I realized how much this wedding meant to her.

Now, here I am trying to fix my tie and keep a decent smile on my face. I can't tie a tie to save my life. Nini always helps me because she watches Youtube videos to help me during out before formal events.

I'm too nervous for the ceremony and I kinda feel like a burden. My mom had to reschedule her whole wedding because she found out that I was at Camp Shallow Lake. I told her that I could just fly out to Chicago by myself but she didn't want me flying alone and she didn't want to take me out of summer camp. So instead of having her wedding in Chicago, she decided to call the director of Camp to see if she could have it here, during my camp session.

I know that it all sounds crazy but I'm doing this whole "Best man thing" to make her happy and because she's my mother.

Now, if only I could figure out how to tie a damn tie around my neck. Then I could be happy at the ceremony.

"Hey, Ricky are you almost ready for the ceremony?" I hear a knock coming from the door of my cabin and turned around to see E.J standing there in a short sleeve dress shirt and nice dress pants.

Damn, he looks good and he doesn't have to be in the wedding court.

"Uh almost. I'm having some trouble with my tie and I don't know. Do I look okay? ? I mean not ok but good enough for my mom's wedding? I didn't expect this summer to turn out like this and ugh this is hard getting the tie to sit right around my neck. Ugh my hair is messed up because of the humidity," I get flustered and insecure since E.J looks so good in his outfit and he's not even doing anything besides sitting down and watching the wedding.

I look over to where E.J's standing and see that he's checking out my outfit.

Wait, is there something wrong with the outfit? I am wearing the dress shirt, pants, and weird tie that my mom picked out for the best men to wear.

"You look great Ricky. Don't be so hard on yourself. Let me help you out," I listen to E.J and watch him walk over to me and fix me tie.

He's so close to me like inches away. But I have to remind myself that he's just helping me fix my tie.

"Thanks. How are you so good at tying ties? and you look great too. I mean in a friend way not in an attractive way. I mean yeah, you look nice. Sorry, I'm getting nervous," I ramble on and run my hand through my curls.

"I had lots of practice and I had to wear formal clothes on game days for water polo and baseball," I listen to E.J's voice and watch him step a few inches away from me so he isn't so close to me anymore after helping me fix my tie.

"Oh yeah, I remember that you played three sports before you graduated, so uh what's next for you?" I try to make conversation with him and ignore the fact that I have to be at the wedding ceremony is in a few minutes.

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