I like glitter too (Seb, Carlos)

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Seb's POV:

It's been the best three weeks at Camp Shallow Lake. I convinced Carlos to come even though he doesn't like nature or anything outside. He was scared at first because there is no A/C or place for him to do his makeup but I eventually convinced him after showing him the program online. He was interested in the choreography part of the musical summer camp and that made me happy because he finally said he would come along.

Now, I'm just waiting for him to come back from the bathroom. He said that we was fixing his hair because it was humid at fishing today.

"Ok, gather around everyone. Mr. Sanders, the Camp director has an announcement," I look over at the stage in front of us as I feel Carlos squeeze my hand.

"I have good news and bad news. Which one do you want to to hear first?" I look over to see the camp director I met week one looking at all of us.

"I guess the bad news because we can get it over with," I look to my side to see Gina looking sad holding E.J's hand.

They are cute together.

"Bad news is that Camp Shallow Lake is closing tomorrow night. We don't have enough full time counselors and the kids' parents are already hogging up my voicemail box with angry messages because they paid for a full camp session," I hear the man say and feel Carlos let go of my hand since I knew that he was enjoying camp.

"What's the good news?" I hear E.J say a few spaces over from me.

"The good news is that I think I have an idea to save this camp session so that we can put on Frozen. I want all the teens to be camp counselors for the next week we have left. Of course, I can't pay you since I don't have the budget but it will look good as a leadership event for your resume or college applications," I hear the man say but I'm too distracted by Carlos who ran off out of the camp theater building.

"I love that!" I look over to the side of the stage to see Miss Jenn put her hands up.

"Training will start after lunch. Please read your job descriptions clearly and don't forget to wear Camp gear on your first day tomorrow. Thank you so much for doing this," I listen to the man as he exits off the stage.

"This is exciting. It's like another thing to add to my resume," I see Ashlyn walk over to me smiling with Big Red who looks confused.

"Cuz, you're already in every club in school. I'm sure you'll get accepted into a good college next year," I look over and see E.J holding Gina's hand again.

"I got Music and Rhythm Class for beginners, what did you guys get?" I see Nini come over to our small group happily.

"I don't know. I haven't looked at the board yet," I go over to the clipboard posted on the wall to find my class I would be helping out with for the next week.

"I got Music and Rhythm with Tweens," I look over to see Ashlyn smiling.

"I got Hip Hop Dance for tweens," I hear Gina say from the group.

"I got Drum Classes with tweens?" I look over and see E.J looking confused.

"You play the drums?" I look over at him.

"It's something only Gina knows about me. She must've told Miss Jenn. It will look good on my resume for Duke,"  I hear E.J say.

"I got Snack Time and Lunch Time with Age 10-12," I read off as the group follows me.

"Hey, where's Carlos?," I look behind me and see Ricky standing there with his guitar.

He probably got Beginner Guitar classes with the tweens.

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