I Don't Want to Do This Without You (Seb, Carlos)

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A/N: this pre- camp and present time camp. Sorry for the sad fluff but I just got the idea since Joe isn't in s3. Also,  I'm still taking requests for this book. just go to the first chapter and comment your request. :)


Seb's POV:

When Miss Jenn announced that the East High Drama Club is going to a theater camp this summer, I got a bit too excited and told all of my sheep, pigs, and cows as soon as I got home.

I know most of us just post on our social media accounts our big announcements so our friends can cheer us on and be happy for us but not me. I hardly ever use social media unless my boyfriend, Carlos posts something.

I'm just not like him at all. He's the social media star in our relationship.

But then a few minutes later after telling my sheep, pigs, and cows the great news, I told my parents about the summer theater camp and they immediately said a big fat NO.

No as in I can't go. And No as in I'm not spending my whole summer dancing with Carlos. No as in I won't be able to see my friends till maybe August. No as in its not fair that I have to do farm chores. And No as in I am supposed to babysit my younger siblings all summer.

I mean I don't even get paid for doing farm chores and watching my siblings. It's just part of my life since I'm the oldest in my family and we have a big family. We can't hire nannies and sitters.

We're a farm family and Carlos is so wealthy I bet his sisters didn't have to babysit him when he was younger. He probably had sitters and Nannie's around the house.

Besides all that farm stuff and "no" responses from my parents, I still haven't told Carlos that I am NOT going to apply or be able to go to Camp Shallow Lake with the other East High Drama Students.

Every time he texts or calls me, I pick up and say "Hi honey. I have farm chores. Or want to go on a date?"

I can't think of a better way NOT to tell him that can't go to this summer camp thing.

I mean our relationship is going well now that we communicate better on and offline and I just want to spend time with him.

But I'm the oldest child in my family and I have farm chores so it's a big NO for me to go to summer camp.

I laid on my bed and just thought about an entire 3 weeks without being able to see Carlos or basically anyone from East High.

It just all sounds so said in my head and I'm usually the happy, peppy, and motivated one in the family.

"Sebby, mommy said that we have to set the table for dinner," I turn my head from where I'm sitting and see my little sister, Marie at the door holding one of her hand me down dolls from my other sister Aster.

"Ok, I'll be down in a minute," I get off my bed and walk over to the door where she is.

Marie is only 6 but she acts like she's the boss off me sometimes and other times she acts like a real mom. It's crazy how fast the Matthew Smith siblings grow up.

I'm almost an upper classmen and I have to think about college if that's even a possibility for a farm boy like me.

Before I reach my bedroom to downstairs to the kitchen, I hear my phone vibrate since I don't like have noise notifications on.

I grab my phone from my night stand and start typing away to my boyfriend because I guess its about time he finds out my summer plans before its too late.

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