The Caswell Cousins Shenanigans (E.J, Ashlyn)

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A/N: requested by zirathehufflepuff

Sorry we didn't have night trips at my camp but I hope this idea works as what you requested :)


E.J's POV:

When we all arrived at camp on Monday the director announced that there would be a curfew for everyone which I thought was unusual because this is summer camp not hold "hold teenagers hostage camp". Besides, I'm 18 now. I can do whatever I want to. I don't even think the word curfew exists in my family back in SLC. So I made it a goal to stay up every night past curfew and find one of my friends who were still awake to hang out with.

Ok, maybe I haven't thought my plan through yet because some people like Big Red, Ashlyn and Gina are deep sleepers and don't do midnight shenanigans. But I will figure something out before tomorrow night so that I'm not trapped at this summer camp where everyone has a curfew.

"E.J, are you listening to me?!" I feel Gina nudge my shoulder since she's sitting next to me at the late night camp fire that the camp driector planned for us.

Great, I guess I'll think about my "sneak out past curfew" plan later, my girlfriend wants my attention now.

"Huh? What did you say?" I grab onto her hand since it's cold out at night.

"I said, do you want a s'more?, but you weren't listening so I guess you won't get one," I look at her then watch her kiss me cheek as if its like forced or something.

Like eew no.

"Whatever," I roll my eyes at her playfully but she doesn't get that I'm joking and lets go of my hand.

I watch her as she scoots over to the left and sits on the other side of the log near Ricky instead.

I didn't mean to hurt her feelings by rolling my eyes. I was just joking.

I need to talk to someone else who isn't clinging onto my shoulder all the time and kissing my cheek.

Don't get me wrong, I love Gina but we're just having boundary issues right now.

So if Gina's going to move seats at the camp fire, then i can too.

"Hey cuz, watcha' doin' tonight after the campfire?" I walk across the bonfire so that I'm not near Gina anymore and sit next to Ashlyn who's holding Big Red's hand.

Big Red had some family complications but eventually his parents let him join us at camp. And I'm happy that the dude is here because he makes my cousin so happy.

"Getting ready for bed like we're supposed to, but first I'm probably going to the bathroom to wash my face because skin care is important, then maybe stay up and talk with Gina till we fall asleep in our cabin. Why did you ask?" I watch Ashlyn as she leans her head on Big Red's shoulder giving me the subtle hint that she's already tired.

How can she be tired it's 10:30 pm?

"I was wondering if you wanted to go exploring after curfew?" I leaned over to her side and whispered in her ear so that the camp director and counselors couldn't hear us.

"E.J, there's a reason why it's called curfew. You can go exploring tomorrow. Go get ready for bed, I don't want to have to save you if you get stuck in some random place or be acountable for your dumb actions," I listen to my cousin talk quietly and watch her zone out while cuddling with Big Red.

She's probably too tired for a nightly Caswell Cousins adventure. That's a shame.

"Why don't you ask your girlfriend if she wants to go?" I look over two seats across from me and see that Big Red rolled his eyes at me while letting Ashlyn rest on his shoulder.

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