"When I compliment you, you won't believe me," pt.2 (Ricky, E.J)

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A/N: I think that I can really relate to Ricky in this part 2. Don't forget to read pt 1 first if you haven't already.

Please vote and comment. I worked hard on this part two. Even tho the editing and grammar might not be good. It's a long part two! I had too many ideas and didn't want to make a part 3 and writing here is my therapy.

**Bonus points for those who find the Joshua Bassett songs in this pt 2.

;) Enjoy.


Ricky's POV:

I was having fun dancing and eating with my friends after E.J's performance. I am so much happier now and I think that its because everyone showed me that they loved me today, even my mom did a bit.

But Immediately after dinner and the reception, my mom pulled me to the side and whispered something my ear.

She said that she wanted to talk to me after I finished dancing with my friends.

I had a gut feeling that the talk wasn't going to be good because the last time we talked it was in Chicago and she asked me if I wanted to move in with her. Of course, I said no to her.

So I decided put the talk off for a bit by dancing on the dance floor with Gina, E.J, Maddox and Big Red in the corner to pretend that everything's okay but everything is not okay.

Now, I'm just rambling nonsense thoughts to to myself in my head again.

I have this problem where I overthink about everything and my thoughts don't even make sense sometimes.

"You good Bowen?" I look up from the dance floor and see that E.J stopped dancing too.

"Uh yeah, I was just thinking about something," I mumble and feel my cheeks get warm.

Why does he have that affect on me? I always feel something weird in my stomach when he passes by me? Kinda like butterflies in my tummy but it's like a good feeling.

"You stopped dancing and just stood there awkwardly. You sure you okay?" I feel E.J touch my shoulder.

"Uh yeah, I gotta go talk to my mom about something," I run off the dance floor and head to the dining table to grab my mom so that we can talk.

"Uh hey mom, you wanted to talk earlier?" I pull her aside since she's still in her evening gown as we walk to the exit of the camp dining hall to go outside and have a private moment together.

(A/N: this is where they talk, outside of the camp dining hall)

I'm still not comfortable with her being around me since she did bring Todd to opening night of HSM but we are slowly getting better at talking to each other

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I'm still not comfortable with her being around me since she did bring Todd to opening night of HSM but we are slowly getting better at talking to each other. At least I think we are getting along better now.

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