No Place I'd Rather Be (Jet, Nini)

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A/N: pt. 3 to my "A Week Away" mini series and I'm sorry to write Ricky like this. This one is going to be shorter because its the end.

Jet's POV:

All the memories from the last couple days of camp came back to me: everything from the magical garden that Nini showed me to us making arts and crafts together.

I finally had the realization that Camp Shallow Lake is my home or at least a place where I can be with my friends and people who love me.

I even remember the day when Ricky threw a dodge ball at my face and my nose started to bleed. Dodge balls aren't even that hard and I wasn't looking. Nini took me to the first aid cabin to help out even though it was just a small nosebleed.

I miss Big Red too. We had a lot of fun after I told him about some of my past. He treated me like a real brother over the past few days  and I really appreciate it.

And I miss Kourtney because she always makes me laugh, even if I wanted to spend some alone time with Nini. I remember a few days ago when Kourtney ran into Nini doing my makeup and it was the funniest thing that happened all summer.

I don't know why I let Nini do my makeup. I just had so much fun being around her, I didn't care about what we were doing.

After she told me about her Lola, we kind of had a connection. I didn't tell her about my past or my parents but I kept her company before sunrise in her garden. Her special place.

Even the first time I met Nini meant something to me. She had the most beautiful sundress on and a ukulele case behind her back. She was glowing in the sunlight too. It was when I first arrived at camp. I remember hating her for how perfect she was.

I know now after reminiscing on all those memories with my friends, I have to go back to camp for final jam.

I have to go back and see Nini, Big Red, Kourtney and Mrs. Redonivich.

Everything meant something to me. It was a life changing experience and I'm never going to forget it.

Nini was right, I am a bad liar.

There's no place I'd rather be. Camp Shallow Lake is my home for now.


Nini's POV:

"Welcome to Final Jam!" I could hear Mr. Anderson yell through the speaker as I stood next to Kourtney frowning.

Ashlyn and Gina were backstage since they were going to perform in Final Jam. I was so happy for them but after everything that went down with Jet, I decided not to perfrom at Final Jam.

I'm just not in the mood for it.

"Here to start us off is the very talented, Ricky Bowen!" I hear Mr. Anderson shout over the speakers while Kourt and I watch from our seats.

I tune out his voice since I could care less and lean my head on Kourt's shoulder.

"Common sense tells me kiss the girl goodbye
Common sense tells me leave it all behind
Common sense says the girl's not worth my time
But common sense ain't common when you come to mind
No, common sense ain't common when you come to mind"

"Wow!" I hear Big Red sigh since he's sitting behind us.

"Kristin, I'm looking at these numbers from the judges and it looks like Ricky Bowen just hit a 100 with his performance!" I listen to Mr. Anderson yell over the speakers.

Great, not only am I not singing tonight but Ricky Bowen is going to win a record deal that I deserve.

"Great, we're dead. Jet and I are dead, since there's no Jet in sight," I listen to Big Red say from behind me.

"You tried you're best okay? It's gonna be fine, just take a deep breath and maybe reconsider your performance for final jam," I see Kourt rest her hands on my shoulders trying to calm me down since she knows what happened earlier.

"Did you find him?" I look back and see Big Red biting his nails.

The poor guy just wanted to help Jet with his set for tonight.

"Yeah, I found him something like that," I gasp after taking a breath.

"Wait, what's going on? What do you mean, something like that?" I listen to Big Red stutter to me.

He only had a stutter when he was reading out loud in middle school but it went away after the school musical.

"Look Big Red, Nini tried-" I listen to Kourtney state beside me.

"I don't think he's coming back," I whisper while we watch Gina sing on stage.

"It's not over yet! We have one more performance from our camp new comer Jet Jones. This performance is going to be epic!" I hear Mrs. Redonivich's voice from the speakers but I zone out again.

"I gotta go to the restroom, I'll be back," I turn to walk down the wooden benches we were sitting on.

"Nini, come back!" I hear Kourt yell for me but I'm already walking towards the exit of the outdoor camp stage.

I walk all the way to the exit sign and then look back at the stage to see Big Red at the stage and by the lights  hoping he still has one last chance do his thing with Jet but Jet isn't coming back.

He said camp meant nothing to him. Nothing at all. He's a terrible liar because I know it meant something to him.

All of a sudden tears start forming in my eyes, I don't know why I'm crying over another boy. I already cried over Ricky and Kourt had to shove pizza boxes under my door.

I don't know why I was so stupid enough to think that I'd be able to help change Jet's perspective this summer and restart my music career without Ricky.

"I lied," I look back with tears in my eyes towards the exit sign and see Jet with his guitar case.

"It meant everything to me," I stare at Jet in awe.

I don't know what to say. I want to say 'what do you mean?' but no words come out of my mouth.

"All of it," I listen to Jet as tears fall down my face.

"Thanks for coming after me," I watch Jet as he wipes my tears with his finger.

"I'm uh I'm so sorry that- I uh I'm not good apologies sorry-" I listen to Jet speak and put my finger on his lips to shush him than I do something I've been wanting to do for a few days.

I kiss him.

"Jet, Jet, Jet, Jet," I hear people cheer in the background.

"Your fans await Mr. Mystery Man," I giggle at him before he can kiss me again since we are so close.

"We'll talk after okay?" I whisper to him since we're inches apart then I hand him his guitar case.

"Okay," I listen to Jet and feel him run his hand through my hair.

"You have to go," I giggle at him as he lets go of my hand.

"Hold onto this for me," I see him wink at me then hand me his guitar case.

What? I thought that he was going to do an acoustic performance?

"We'll talk later," I see Kourtney pop out of nowhere.

"Maybe," I whisper to her and face the stage to hear Jet sing but instead Big Red sings with him.

Awww I love these two together.

(Imagine Big Red and Jet singing this :)

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