Runaway PT.2 to My Place in this World (Nini, Jet)

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A/N: PT.2 to My Place In This World. Go read that one first if you haven't already. This is my other favorite scene from "A Week Away". Nini and Jet aren't a couple. Sorry fort the time skip between this one and the last chapter. I am just messing with the new hsmtmts characters. Also I didn't add religious references because its hsm.


Jet's POV:

Big Red and I were rehearsing for final jam when all of a sudden I heard a familiar voice. the curly head boy who was always staring at Nini during camp meal time walked over to the stage clapping his hands.

What does he want now? I was just becoming good friends with Big Red. We actually have more in common than we thought.

We both like pizza and we both are scared to try the camp activities. That's why he's helping me with the set for my final jam performance.

"I am so excited, it's going to be nice to have some competition for once. Not only to win back Nini but to win final jam and get that record label prize," I see Ricky the curly haired dude who is obsessed with Nini walk over to Big Red and I.

Isn't he friends with Big Red?

"Ricky, this is a closed rehearsal. Go back and rehearse your performance with Natalie Bagley. I bet her set is better than mine. Mine is a work in progress," I listen to Big Red talk while standing next to me.

Lately, he's become one of my best friends and I am going to miss him when we leave camp. He knows about my past and he is willing to keep it a secret as long as we can get pizza together after camp.

Now that's a deal.

"I heard that the new mystery kid would be playing a big part in final jam. So, I wanted to stop by and offer some pointers. Jet, got a minute?" I look over at Ricky nervously.

What does he want now? He can have Nini because she is obviously better off with someone with two parents instead of none.

"No, Ricky we have to rehearse. It's our turn to use stage C," I feel Big Red nudge my shoulder and grab my hand but instead I walk up the steps of the stage and follow Ricky.

"It's fine Red, we'll just be a minute," I go walk up the stairs to follow him behind the dressing room curtain.

The dressing room is empty and there's one light on. It's creepy.

"Ricky, if this is about dodge ball from the other day I'm sorry. I'll let you win the next camp game, I'm sorry it's just-" I start to say while we stand in the dressing room alone.

Ever since I talked to Nini in her special garden, we really hit off. We go there every morning before sunrise to talk and we partner during camp activities.

I made her a birdhouse in arts and crafts, she made me a wooden box guitar. We had s'mores together one night and another night we jumped into the lake with our clothes on.

I really love camp now and don't want to go back to a group home.

I also still haven't told her about my family and my past though. I'm too scared she will only see me as a friend for pity reasons or to comfort me.

I lose my train of thought as Ricky immediately cuts me off from saying that I am competitive.

"Hey you're good. You're good. You can't change who you are. I get it. Everyone's got secrets and your secret's safe with me," I listen to Ricky talk and then he turns to wink at me.

"What does that supposed to mean?" I ask him and then he turns to face me.

"Like who you really are? Jet Jones. Vandalism, Foster Homes. Theft. Curfew Violations and breaking into a supermarket?," I listen to Ricky speak quietly to me in this creepy dressing room.

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