Nightmares and Nuts pt.2 to Midnight Crisis (Ricky, E.J)

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A/N: I am making this part two to Midnight Crisis so go read that first. Also there are no panic attacks in this one. Italics are the nightmare. Remember this is a character.


Ricky's POV:

I sat in bed and listened to the crickets chirp and the wind blow. I couldn't fall asleep not when I had Todd on my mind. It wasn't just Todd bothering me but also Nini. I just feel empty without her even though I made some mistakes in our relationship. Its also Big Red on my mind. All semester long and even at the start of summer all he would talk about is how he has plans with Ashlyn but I was always just tuning him out while we played video games. And last of all, I just miss my dad and I miss home. We have been at this summer camp for three weeks and I got the news that my mom is getting remarried last week and have had trouble sleeping since I got the call.

I haven't had a panic attack since the night E.J comforted me but I always go to bed at a weird time and just listen to the sounds of nature till my eyes close.

Tonight, the small digital clock we have in our cabin reads 3:00 am.

I guess that's better then last night. I went to bed at 4:30 am after going to the bathroom twice.

Once to actually use the restroom and the second time to splash water on my face because I kept hearing voices in my head.

No like hallucinations but more like voices from people and from the past.

I look to the bottom bunk at see that E.J is fast asleep and he's shirtless.

It is hot here at camp but I keep my shirt on just in case any bears come or in case there's an emergency.

I think its my anxiety but I just stay awake till my eyes close. That's what I'm doing tonight.

I can't stop thinking about my mom's words, "I'm getting remarried to Todd,"

They are just five words and they changed my life.

"E.J, are you awake?" I look down to his bunk and whisper to him.

I don't see him budge. He's fast asleep. He ran really fast during capture the flag today and I just sat out and watched. I wasn't feeling in the mood for it.

"E.J," I whisper again but he's fast asleep.

I just turn back and lay back on my pillow in the top bunk and stare at the ceiling of the cabin.

I wish someone understood what I am going through.

I eventually close my eyes and fall asleep. It's not a peaceful sleep but anything will do when I never close my eyes.

"Ricky, I'm getting remarried to Todd. I want you to be my best man," I listen to my mom speak on the phone the day after my dad called to tell me the news.

"What?! No, you can't do that. What about dad?," I scream into the phone.

"He's happy for me. He moved on. We went our separate ways. Ricky, can't you see that I'm happy?" I hear my mom through the phone.

"But I'm not happy," I sigh and listen to her.

"I'm sorry honey but this is my choice and my life. Sometimes people fall out of love and find someone else," I hear my mom say but the phone from the main cabin is hanging from the wall and not on my hand.

"Ricky?! Are you there love?" I hear my mom say but the scene changes and I hear another voice

"Getch'a head in the game," I hang up in the middle of the East High Basketball court and drop my basketball and look down into the crowd.

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