5 Love Letters and one I Love You (Kourtney, Howie)

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Kourtney's POV:

Miss Jenn said that we could get mail sent to camp. I wasn't sure what that meant but I found out within the first week or so. A letter came each week and I wasn't even expecting my mom to send me anything. It was summer camp who missed me while I was in the woods?

Letter 1:

"Hey Kourt! What's that?" Nini came over to my lunch table with her lunch tray.

"I'm not really sure," I replied holding the small letter that had been mailed to my camp address.

"Well open it," Nini nudged me happily.

"Okay. Okay. There's no return address that's odd. I don't know how it went through," I start to rip the envelope open.

"It's from Howie," I reply in shock and read through the long letter that was handwritten.

His handwriting was so good and neat. Better than mine.

"It's a love letter," Nini says excitedly trying to read it over my shoulder.

"It's not a love letter. He just says he misses me and wrote a long paragraph about things he misses about me," I blush as Nini starts to eat her breakfast.

"It's a love letter Kourt," Nini says as she finishes chewing.

"Whatever," I say as I put the letter in my jacket pocket.

"Did he write 'I love you'?" Nini nudges my shoulder playfully.

"Maybe?" I hesitate.

How is she so excited about this? She broke up with Ricky.

"Ok so yeah he did but we said it in person before I left for camp," I said quickly and began to eat.

I didn't want her to makea big deal out of this. It was one letter.

"You should ask Miss Jenn if you can write him back. I have heart shaped stickers in my notebook if you want," Nini replied happily.

Ok, what has gotten into her?

"Maybe," I hesitate.

I did miss him but camp wasn't going to last forever. I could see him after camp and tell him I love him.

Letter 2:

It was the second week of camp and Nini and I were getting breakfast again. I got a letter from my mother asking about camp and I got another one from Howie. This letter thing started to seem chilidish to me but Nini though that it was cute even though we were both 17.

"Howie again?" Nini nudged my shoulder as she took a sip of orange juice.

She decided to stay all summer to work on her new music and I was glad to have my best friend back.

"Yeah it's cute," I reply while stabbing a pancake.

"This time he left his cell phone number in case I forgot it since we aren't allowed to have our phones here," I said while staring at the letter.

"You should call him and tell him that you miss him," Nini smiled at me happily.

"How?" I replied while eating breakfast.

"We can sneak into the office and I'll keep watch," Nini says excitedly.

I liked Nini 2.0 but Nini without Ricky is a whole different story.

"I don't know about this Neeners. I'm not a risk taker," I reply and drink some of my water.

"Come on, live a little Kourt," Nini says as she eats her breakfast.

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