Interview and Declassification of Anomalous Item 5079

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SCP 5097 was a very straightforward anomaly. It was one surrounding the disappearance of one Dr. Kassidy Kara's, where she, and all data pertaining to her on official foundation servers, vanished on the date of 4/09/2020. She had yet to appear back... until 4 days ago. She was held in containment cell B-32 in light containment. Considering she was from the age before quirks, letting her experience the world as it was now would certainly be a shock for the woman. Because of this, Dr. Bright had made some rather big headway in that file, but not written it down. Something about this... must've spooked him, because right after that... was his own containment breach. Discarding that line of thinking, Izuku would focus on the obvious first. Compiling and comparing basic notes of his to Bright's, before moving onto new content.

Using his new security badge to access the checkpoint, provided by his new foster mother (something he was still getting used to), the greenette thought on how surreal this whole situation was. Less than a day ago, he was told to kill himself, and now his new foster mother was trusting him to investigate a physics defying anomaly... this almost felt like some kind of weird fiction book. Just as he pondered on that, he arrived to the room. Taking a deep breath, he knocked on the door. A feminine voice called from within, "One moment, please..."

Nervously, he called back, "Th-That's fine. I'm just here to interview you."

Horror laced her voice as she caught his voice, "Wait, are you a child?!"

Izuku held his breath, clearly nervous, but still answered the question. After a fruitful pause, his voice trailed in, "... maybe?"

After sounds of rushed movement on the other side of the door... Dr. Kara called back. "Just hold on... alright, ready!"

Izuku opened the door with his keycard. 5079 was a woman in her 20s, with brown hair that transitioned to a dyed lavender as it flowed to her shoulders. She wore a typical lab coat denoting a Foundation scientist, and was confused until she saw the amulet. "Oh, Dr. Bright... I see they found you... but why did they give you to a child?"

Izuku laughed nervously. Something Dr. Bright would never do. "Um... about that... I'm not Bright... I may have replaced him in the amulet? It's a long story..."

Saying she was shocked would be an understatement. Eyes widened, she almost demanded to know... well, she did ask, at least. "How?! The Foundation has been searching for that for ages!"

Not quite sure himself, since he had yet to undergo a quirk assessment, he apologized, "Um, I'm sorry, I don't exactly know the answer myself, but was given an assignment by Director Rabenherz to interview you... since Bright is gone, the information he gained from your last interview with him is also... gone. I'm sorry if I end up sounding repetitive."

She sighed, rubbing her forehead. "They're trusting a child with this? Very well... her word is law, I suppose."

Izuku opened a new notebook, one labelled: Notes on Anomalies, Vol 1. It was a leather bound book, and a gift given this morning, for help in his work. If any particular item caught his eye, he could write it down. "So, can you introduce yourself for me?"

"I am Senior Researcher Dr. Kassidy Kara, also known as Anomalous Entity Five-Zero-Seven-Nine."

Izuku noted this down at the top of the sheet, and already, somehow managed to sketch a portrait of her face on the page, leaving more room for a full sketch later. How...? was all she thought, before Izuku asked, "Can you explain what happened on the fourth of October, 2020?"

She began to retell the story once more, from the top. "The day before I had visited 343..."

Muttering to himself, he paused, before looking up at her, with a curious expression. "Anomalous item three-four-three? I... haven't heard of what that one was."

She looked at him as if he was a really, really clueless boy. To be fair, he was... but it still raised the question for Kara... "How new are you?"

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