Interview and Report on Anomalous Entity 7390

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Next on Izuku's list was SCP 7390. The file only had bits and pieces, something about a fire, and that was about it. But the title was clear, this was going to be different to anything he had met before: Anomalous Item 7390: The Dead Rabbit That Walks.

Approaching the containment center for this particular entity, he found there were two foundation guards waiting outside. Instead of the guns that they tended to have, they had large, bulky rifles. Ones with electrical warnings on the side, indicating that they were presumably made with this entity in mind. It makes sense, since they are weak to electricity. Entering the room, the mechanical beast was already tied up. Its golden shell appeared to be rusted in sections, some parts torn away, and others were straight up missing. Its head was shaped like a crude rabbit, with the bottom jaw worn in such a way that it created a creepy grin, with its eyes dyed yellow from age. Even inactive, it was unnerving, and it was deactivated, thankfully. Two armed guards stood at attention within the cell as well, to make sure it wasn't left to its own devices. It had a habit of trying to escape containment, and has been proven to escape most containment cells by itself. When it escaped... well, the 11 containment breaches prove that it has quite the malicious and lethal intent. Over 50 fatalities in a month because of underestimating one golden rabbit. Quite impressive for a machine... if that was all that it was.

Izuku entered the room, strolling to a desk in the interview chamber. This one was designed specifically so the entity couldn't do anything. He activated his laptop and looked over the file once more before noticing that its head had moved slightly. Looking up, he cautiously asked, "A-Are you awake?" The lights flickered slightly, indicating anomalous, paranormal activity. As it turned out, ghosts were very, very real.

The mouth dropped open an inch, it's yellowing teeth hiding the lower jaw of what looked to be a rotting corpse. It's eyes flickered on, glowing pupils staring right at him. It wasn't a nice, warm light, but a harsh one, unnatural in origin. Thinking out loud, Izuku muttered, "Well, it's good to know that you can hear me." It's head stiffly angled itself to look straight in his direction. With the entity remaining silent, Izuku asked, not taking his eyes off of him. "Can you talk to me?"

The voice was gruff, worn, and scratchy, due to decayed vocal chords... or rather, the paranormal entity using the internal voice box, worn through centuries of decay. The outer mouth moved with what was said, flashing the rotting skull beneath whenever it spoke. "They send a ch-child to d-do an adults' work?"

Swallowing his fear, he kept his voice steady as he answered it. Nodding, he kept his voice steady. It was feedback given after the transcript of his first interview were fully read by his mother. So, he continued, "Yes, they do. I am Izuku Midoriya, your interviewer. Do you have any questions before we begin?"

The obvious one out of the way first, I suppose, was what Midoriya thought as it asked, "C-can you let m-me go?"

He shook his head, confirming the negative. "No. I don't even have the key."

Its head hung low at that for a moment, before reorienting back to view the greenette. "Worth a sh-shot, I sup-pose..."

With the formalities out of the way, Izuku then asked, "Alright. What is your name?"

"I a-am Springtr-trap." Izuku quickly noted it down, using his peripheral vision to keep track of his hand movements. The file was clear. Do not trust it, and do not let it out of your sight.

Two rules that were, so far, keeping him alive, as he continued, "Where do you come from?"

Annoyed by how slow this was going, the being "Should I just t-tell you my whole story?"

Izuku relaxed a little, this interview was running smoothly enough. A bit too smoothly, a cynic might argue, but hey, not every day at the Foundation was about security breaches. That's just overblown rumors, anyways... and before Dr. Bright's escape... His mother had never had a single breach during her rule as Site Director. Focusing back on the task at hand, the boy nodded at the undead cyborg. "That would be appreciated. I have the time."

As Springtrap explained, agitation was clearly growing in his voice as he remembered the past. Haunted by it, one could say. "Th-there were... b-brats haunting some of m-my robots, turning them against m-me. I hacked them to p-pieces... b-but that was m-my b-biggest mistake... I had freed th-them... and th-they c-cornered me in the back room... I p-put on this suit, h-hoping to c-confuse them, or-or make them leave m-me alone..." His mouth opened more and more after that, and the rabbit mask flicked up, displaying his decaying face, with rotten musculature covering portions of his skull. The smell was enough to make Izuku physically nauseous. With clicking sounds, it reclosed around his head.

Confused, Izuku looked back up, "Would there have been a reason they would be mad at you?"

The entity actually had the audacity to laugh at that question. As if he knew the reason, and to be fair, the cyborg did. "Th-they were murdered, of c-course they're mad."

Still under the fog of confusion... the green haired boy asked, "Did the killer look like you?"

Evil laughter came from the rabbit, and to Izuku's horror, he owned up to his actions. No hesitation at all. "You really are n-naive, kid. Of course I-I k-killed those bastards... I'd d-do it again, too." He laughed for another 15 seconds as Izuku recorded what was just discussed. 

The boy sighed, saddened by that revelation. "I knew you were lethal, I just didn't... want... to think you were like... that." Pausing for a moment, the greenette asked, "How long have you been in the suit?"
"I... I don't remember what it was like before... that's how long I've been in this god damn suit..." His slight laughter turned to sobs as he looked down, before recomposing himself and staring back at Izuku. "I d-don't think you appreciate how d-difficult it is for m-me to sp-speak... It hurts like a motherfucker..."

Nervous, he swallowed, and gave the offer for space. "If you don't wish to continue... I can always postpone it to tomorrow..."
"N-nah, th-this is the m-most interesting th-thing to happen in-in a while..." He laughed again, basking in the fear he sensed just below the surface of Izuku's thoughts, before stopping. "I was wrong before... I r-remember designing this suit... it wasn't supposed to b-be a deathtr-trap... b-but th-the springlocks hadn't b-been maintained after th-their lockdown in that room. T-The abandoned b-building r-ruined them... th-they w-went off, and h-here I am..."

The rest of the interview was fruitful in Izuku's estimation. After digging through police records, maintained diligently by Foundation personnel from before the dawn of quirks to now, he found out about an incident where several children went missing, and that the killer was never caught. They had a suspect, don't get them wrong, a lead suspect, a man by the name of Afton. After finding out about the unique suit designs from Afton Robotics, the pieces clicked, especially with the discovery that two of his three children died when they were young, one directly due to the eldest's actions... leading to why he did it. As an effort to get past his grief, he turned violent, and that was the result. Somehow stumbling on a form of tortured immortality. Just like him, actually. The similarities were there. All in all, this Item had a rather forward explanation. What did not make sense was his ramblings about the concept of remnant. Part of the soul, or was it energy? Either way, it was pivotal to the creation of 7390. He finished his report: More investigation is needed into Remnant, and it's possible application/acquisition. It is clear that it is the energy/force behind the creation of 7390. End Log.

Izuku sighed as he rested in his room, looking at the last file, he couldn't help but be apprehensive about this last one. After all, it was called: Stealer of Souls. Not great, considering that he, himself had only found out about the existence of souls this very week. It did not sound promising. Closing his eyes, he drifted to sleep. Two down, one more to go.

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