Ch : 8

523 44 10

11 A.M.

Me :
Yo ! DUDEEE! You told
the ginger thing to

Ajey :
Yup... it worked for me.... so I thought I should also tell to him! And see because of you he got fine.

Me :
😭 I'm finally of some use

Ajey :
The no. of times you look down on yourself is amazing

Me :

Ajey :

Me :

Don't you study in the daytime

Me :
I do but mostly on the nights

Ajey :
The night is for sleeping

Me :
But it's peaceful. Just the dogs... but nvm. It's still peaceful.

Ajey :

Me :
I hate this thing about you

Ajey :
What thing?

Me :
This thing... saying MAYBE to every logical thing.

Ajey :
That's because I have never experienced and idk what you talk about

Me :
How come have you not experienced such beautiful things? The morning mist. The beauty of nights. The close touch of grass. The sound of rain. The small insects with colorful wings. The sunlight passes through a glass window. There are so many things.

Ajey :
Are you sure you are a doctor and not a philosopher?

Me :
Unlike you Mr. Sharma. I'm a normal human being.

Ajey :
Holy Shit!
This isn't normal at all. I've seen girls talking about these kinds of stuff only in movies. IRL girls SUCK!

Me :

Ajey :
Oh... Sorry. You're a girl too.

Me :
No. I meant suck what? 😗😂

Ajey :
Ehm... That could be a vast topic of discussion.

Me :
Okay then. I'm ready. Tell me. Suck what😗😂

Ajey :
Suck the blood

Me :
Ohhh blood ?😗

Ajey :
What were you expecting? 🧐

Me :
Ice cream

Ajey :
See that's why you're
not normal

Me :

Ajey :
No really .... girls don't carry humor at all!

Me :
Haven't checked Instagram have you?

Ajey :
Yash told me not to do it

Me :

Ajey :
🙂🔫 He says it's toxic for me

Me :
What are you? Two-year-old infant. But I like the fact that he cares about you this much. As if you are his brother

Ajey :
😌❤ He is the best brother in the world.

Me :
Wish I had a brother in him

Ajey :
😂 Aww don't be jealous now.

Me :
🙂stop making me jealous then

Ajey :
You don't have siblings?

Me :

Ajey :
Umm. Don't you feel alone?

Me :
Nope. I have friends that are as close as a sibling

Ajey :
🙂🔫 I want this kind of friends

Me :
You have Yash Bhaiya and Ajey. What else do you need !!!!!!

Ajey :
🙂🔫 But I am talking about friends, not brothers.

Me :
Awww someone's jealous.

Ajey :
I'll ttyl. Urgent work. Gtg. Bye.

Me :
Ok. Bye.

Ajey's P.O.V. -

2 P.M.

Janvi :
Yo! I'm done with my studies! Are you done with your work?

Guess Still busy

4 P.M.

Janvi :

Free Now?

5 P.M.

Janvi :


Me :
ओम नमः शिवाय ।।

Wow.... that worked as A magic spell...

Me :
Of Course, I couldn't ignore Mahadev's Name. Now listen. I have some important work due to the new music project. I don't be talking or even check your msgs frequently. I hope you understand. I'll be really busy. But if your bastard ex upsets you again call me. I'll answer it.

Hey, calm down okay? It's okay I understand. Take Care and done over work ❤

Me :
Yes, thanks. Bye.

Love you

Take Care ❤

Janvi :
You too Mr. Sharma ❤

(AN: Sorry for the short Chapter 🥺)

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