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(A/N: So this is kinda one shot, based on a picture given by Shrutzee )


"Aney! Put your mask on !"


"Dont argue with your mother"

"DAD !!!"

"Aney's Idiot"


"HEY ! Don't shout at my girl !"

Janvi looked at Ajey who was in the driver's seat, "Don-"

"Okay...Okay... not interfering go on" he said

Janvi looked at the back seat again, "Say sorry to your brother"

"Sowy," She said looking at Aney

"And YOU! Put your mask on"

"Fine !" He said, putting it back on.

"Before we go there, Aney, funny you dare say 'Kaise hai Aap log' like you said the last time we went out"


"And don't even! Think of abusing or I'm gonna beat your ass right there in front of everyone"

"Mom you have nothing for her right? I'm the bad one here"

"She's 5-Year-Old Aney. What do you expect her to do? Roast you ?"

"Well she's my girl so..." Ajey was just saying and then Janvi looked at him again.

"So... she... might not do anything wrong.." He said, "Right Baby ?" He looked at the backseat

"Papa" was all she could say

"You both don't love me! I hate Mom! And I hate Anvi the most !" Aney said looking outside the window.

"What did you just say ?!"

"Janvi.. let it be. He's just angry, and we're here, behave properly kids. And don't remove your masks or your photos will be printed on the internet tomorrow"

Janvi ignored what Aney said because Ajey told her so, but she was already in a bad mood, so she just descended and took Anvi in her arms.

Ajey went to Aney for holding his hand,

"I'm not a kid dad, go look after your girl," he said and threw Ajey's hand from his own.

Ajey sighed and kept walking behind him. 

They entered the restaurant, they booked, they already talked with the owner about their privacy, and got seated.

"Order whatever you want," Ajey said, giving Aney the menu card

"Let me order for you," Janvi said.

"I'm not a kid"

"Yes you are, now give me the menu"

"Janviii? Just let him, how will he grow up if you keep pampering him ?"

"She never pampers me excuse?" Aney opposed with an angry expression.

"She knows if you order your food on your own, you'll waste most of it, that is called pampering," Ajey said, looking at good son.

"Were you like this in your childhood? Because I wasn't!" Janvi asked Ajey.

"Worse than this" Ajey answered laughing

"As expected," She said

Everyone ordered their food, and as Janvi and Ajey predicted, Aney wasn't able to eat his food.

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