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Ajey's POV -

She held my hand after I tied up my laces. We smiled at each other and before the door could be broken open we ran.

We ran like it was the last moment of our life. And it was actually! If we wouldn't be together, we wouldn't be there, the sun is more important but the moon is important too.

To our misfortune, some of the people noticed us, but as she told us, keep running.

In the last 24 hours, I went outside for my work for the first time, I burst into someone's wedding, I kissed a girl for the first time, and I made a Dulhan run from her wedding. Love makes a person insane!

We saw the car, some people were running after us.

Yash sat on the driver's seat and pinched open the locks. I wasn't even sitting properly inside the car when my dear brother started driving.

Nevertheless, reckless driving was just a need now.

We heaved a long breath and started laughing at what just happened.

The route was of 4 hours and Finally, Raghav started explaining everything.
Our hands were still entwined. I just didn't want to let her go! I can call her officially mine now!

"So when we talked with Arjun, we asked him about his gf, he was shocked and first and not telling us but after pressurizing a lot he told us who she is," Raghav said.

"Who ?" Janvi asked.

"Pragati," he said.

I remember, Janvi was drinking water after that marathon run that we just had and spitted it onto his face.

"WHAT ?!" She screamed.

"Who is Pragati?" I asked.

"Janvi's cousin" Yash answered.

"You mean, the same cousin who is gonna get married to him now ?" I asked.

"Yes !" She said not believe what she just heard and was super happy with what happened.


"Stop screaming," I said.

"Aww... I'm sorry" She said and we looked at each other, totally mad in love with her at the moment I couldn't help but stare at her.

"Arjun didn't know that they were talking about you when it was declared from the "Trilokani's Daughter"

A/N: I just exposed AnotherdepressedMf_ full name lol.

"He thought they were talking about Pragati, so he agreed to marry" Yash bhaiya and Raghav explained part by part.

"And when he got to know, Pragati being scared of her and Janvi's father, told him to get married to Janvi and not expose their relationship to anyone, but when she got to know that Janvi doesn't wish to have this wedding, she ended up revealing that Arjun has a girlfriend which is her !" They completed.

"Scam 2020," I said.

"Now she will get married to whom she loves !" Janvi said cheerfully.

"And I'll get married to whom I love," I said hugging her and she just patted my head.

"Hey! You said you have a gift !" She said. I almost forgot about Vardhan.

It was just for motivating and but now everything was at its finest.

"I Don't have it with me" I said, lying, I had the track in my phone.

"Well, I have it,"  Yash said.

Deadpanned, I looked at him finding him smiling.

"Here.."  he gave his phone and AirPods to us.

She plugged into one of her ears and gave the other one to me. We heard Vardaan for the first time. Even me. And ngl it was the best music I've made until now.

I was very tired and put my head on her shoulder, idk when did I sleep. But it was the moment of my life. The way I've never felt before, it was the moment I felt someone's presence is important for me to exist and function properly.

"So ? How was the story ?" I asked him.

"It was too long but I feel like it's short"

Janvi just chuckled holding him in his arms.

"We have a lot of stories after this incident too, but you have school tomorrow. So you better sleep " I told him, gaining a pout of complaint from him.

"Good Night Baby," Janvi said kissing him on his cheeks and tucking him in his blanket.

We moved into our room and I hugged her.

"You used to call me baby when Aney wasn't born. He took my place" I complaint.

"You wanted 2. No 3. 4 kids Mr. Sharma. Now you can't handle one ?"

"Ahh... Mrs. Sharma, if you allow me, we can make a world record of having kids" I whispered making her Shriver.

"You got the most fucking horniest ass in this whole universe yk !"

"And only you can handle it" I smiled kissing her nape.

"I'm tired, let's just sleep," She said. And on hearing this the only thought that screamed in my mind was CUDDLES!

I jumped on the bed even before she could lie there. Opening the blanket from her side and spooning her from behind. We slept holding each other.

♡♡♡♡♡♡THE END♡♡♡♡♡♡

Thanks for giving all those comments and love to this book. Again, I got the best readers >>

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