Ch : 22

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A/n: A Very Happy Mahashivratri to y'all. May Mahakaal bless you with brains so that you don't make a choice as bad as your (non) respective exes (Cause y'all are beautiful you won't need it)

Aje's POV -

After talking to Janvi I was so confused for what to do. I didn't want them to meet again. Especially not alone. Also, I wanted to break Raghav's face and tell Janvi That I Love Her!

The next morning

I rushed towards Yash's room only to find him having his beauty sleep.

"WAKEUPPP WAKEUPP !!"  I started to yell and shake him.

"Mmm, What ?" He said waking up slightly.

"We have to go to Janvi's place !" I said.

"What happened ?" He said trying to gain his senses.

"That Raghav is gonna meet Ger today and I don't want to let them meet alone..... And I want to talk to him" I explained.

"You know her address?" Yash asked me.

"No... She Won't Tell Me !" I answered.

"Then... do you have contact with her friends? Any of them ?" He asked making me remember the group that was made.

"Ohhh YESS !! I HAVE !" I said And went back to my room to call Tammana.

It was a huge fuss because she won't give me her address and so I had to reveal myself. And as expected she wouldn't believe me. I finally ended up following her on insta from my official account to make her believe that and before she collapsed I got Janvi's address making her part of our secret. I unfollowed her afterward and it took me 1 hour to take her address. It was 10 O'clock now. Her exam would finish by 12 and the place wasn't too far so we decided to leave at 11. 

"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING ?!" I knocked at Yash's door aggressively.

"Bro. I'm meeting my brother's Girlfriend for the first time. I've to dress up properly !" He replied.

I blushed but I responded negatively. "She Isn't My Girlfriend !" I yelled, "Now Come Out Fast !"

"She will be," He said opening the door.

"Maybe. If we're not late" I answered frowning.

He ruffled my hair and took out the car keys to drive. We did not tell Anyone where we are off to.

After a drive of 15-20 minutes, we were there.

We stepped inside the apartment that was told and headed towards the flat after getting the security check-in. Though our faces were partially covered the security guard recognized me and there weren't many issues with that except taking a selfie with him.

Yash told him to post it with details that we met him by accident on our way to he doesn't know where and is not in the apartment. He agreed and even showed us the way to Janvi's Flat.

After he left, I prepared myself to knock but I just couldn't. I didn't even know how she looks and I'm straight away barging in her space. But she made me do this.

As I was in dilemma about how to knock at the door Yash did it for me.

"Are you stupid !" I said

"If I am stupid then you do not even exist" He replied.

Janvi's POV -

My exam was over at 10 am and Raghav arrived at past quarter 10. We talked and he explained that it was natural to do it if he likes me and that he even tried waking me up but I didn't.
He apologized too but just verbally and his words did not show a flinch of apology. There wasn't much I could do so I just decided to let him go and cut my contact with him to a minimum. He was just about to leave when we heard someone knocking at the door.

We approached the door and I opened it just to Find my Idol standing right there. Yeah... My idol. Isn't much deal huh ? HELL YEAH! IT WAS!
I slammed the door at his face and turned back in horror not letting him speak anything.

Author's POV -

As Janvi slammed the door in their faces the two siblings stood there dumbfounded.

"I think she didn't like your face," Yash said chuckling.

"Oh yeah? I think she freaked out seeing your hair wondering if you are from the Savage human race period" Ajey replied.

"Woah..  from where did you learn this much ?" Yash asked him in astonishment as Ajey never talked about science of any kind.

"Janvi told me" Ajey replied smiling.

"I see," Yash said also smiling.

On the other side of the door,

"What? Who's there ?" Raghav asked Janvi seeing her panic.

"N-No- No one," she said laying her back on the door and holding the handle of the door.

"Get aside, let me see who is it" he demanded grabbing Janvi's hand which was on the handle. As a result of this, Janvi let go of the door handle flinching her hand back. "DON'T TOUCH ME," She said loudly. Loud enough to get her voice to both of her guests waiting outside.

~ To be continued

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