Ch : 15

469 45 7

A/N: The story is #3 in carryminati, Wilyfrenzy, and Nagar Tags 👁👄👁
And I've not edited the last two parts so please bear with the mistakes.

"Papa ?" Janvi said.

"Leave the way. Let me come in" Her dad said.

As a result of which she left the way. And did all the adjustments to the sofa. She brought him some water till he made himself comfortable.

"Just water? Didn't your mom teach you to serve tea? Is this how you are going to behave in your husband's house !?"

"I was about to ask you if you'd like tea or coffee" She replied with an aching heart.

"Tea" her dad replied.

Leaving the glass of water on the table she went inside the kitchen.
Her dad stood from there and started inspecting her Paying Room, which he made Janvi stay forcefully away from the city side so that she doesn't socialize much.

"Always the same thing," Janvi thought as she poured the tea into the cup.

She went where she left her dad but he was nowhere to be found.

She went to her room to find her dad checking out her books.

"Papa. The tea is ready." She calmly said but inside she was frustrated by him barging into her room like that.

"Your place is pretty organized," He said sipping the tea.

"Yes, well, I can't sleep in unorganized places so.." She said taking her sip.

"Have you thought about what I told you earlier ?" He asked being serious now.

"No..... I'm focusing on studies, my exams are pretty close" She replied not making eye contact with him cause she knew hearing what she said would make him dead angry.

"How ungrateful child you are! You are 20! You'll be 21 soon. Look at your cousin sisters getting married within the age limit and you! Studying for no reason! What good can this MBBS bring that a rich family can?" He started to lecture her.

While she was listening to his nonsense, her phone rang.

'Oh shit.... wrong timing'  She thought and looked at her phone.

Call from Rarity
Accept / Decline

(Hey. I'm so sorry, I-)

(Ohh... Yes.. I'll send the notes to you soon. I'm a bit busy right now.)

(What? What notes ?)

(Yes... I've completed the assignment too.)

(What the actual fuck. Are you drunk ?)

(Okay then... I'll call you later..bye)

(Janvi !!!!!)

In a hurry. She kept the phone down but her fingers didn't press the End button properly leaving Ajey on call.

"Who was it ?" Her father asked.

"Just a college friend.." she answered.

"What's with the name ?" He asked again.

"It's a nickname papa.." She answered now scared.

"Tell me the truth. He was your bf. Wasn't he ?" He said.

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