Ch : 17

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Author's POV -

"Have you thought ?" Raghav asked Janvi about the suggestion he gave her.

"Not yet. Ajey wasn't free so...." She replied gaining a scoff from him

Both of them had dinner and now were sitting on the couch watching TV. None of them was watching.

"So, how's studies ?" He asked starting the conversation again.

"Good. How's business ?" She replied and asked.

"Going fine" And their conversation ended again.

Both of their eyes got lost in the TV screen and they started watching it, for some time, until Raghav felt something heavy on his shoulder.

He turned his head to see Janvi's flicks on her face while she slept. He moved them and tucked them at the back of her ear to see her glowing skin. He switched off the TV and tried waking her up slowly by caressing her face.

But she clung onto him more seeking comfort and warmth. He moved backward knowing if she was awake she would never do that.

"Janvi... wake up. Sleep on the bed" He whispered. But that did not affect her because she cried the best out of herself today and her adrenaline was too low to react.

Raghav was now almost laying on the couch, just his left foot in the air.

He didn't want to wake her up fully cause she would not sleep and start studying after that. So he decided to move away slowly. As he was moving Janvi's phone started to ring and panicked at her waking up because of that he snatched the phone off the table and muted the call. Because of the thrust, he lay completely on the couch and Janvi by his side half above him. He sighed in irritation thinking about the bad effects of this when she'll woke up. 'Great, she'll get angry and say Why Didn't I wake her up', He thought.

But then he slightly looked at her face which was buried in his neck and her hands on his chest. He looked calm down without any worries. 'I'll wake up before she does and move out', He thought and decided to sleep. Just as he was busy monitoring her facial features the phone rang again. And he muted it again, this time seeing who it was.

Call from Rarity
Accept / Decline

On the other end, Ajey started to text her as he was worried about her. She didn't pick up it once and declined the other time.
'She might be so stressed. What kind of a friend am I not being able to help her

He started to text her, his apologies which Raghav checked out. Janvi didn't use to have her phone locked.


Rarity :
Hey. I'm so sorry. I came home but there was some mess created when I took your call and I have to talk to Yash about it. He took a lot of my time. Please pick up the call. I'm so sorry for earlier.

Seeing his messages Raghav felt jealous. And decided to reply to him.

Me :
This is Raghav on this side, she can't pick up your call.

Ajey :
Why? And what are you doing at her place this late?

Me :
Because she fell asleep with me on her couch and I'm here cause she has some personal problems and I'm helping her out unlike you.

Ajey :
And you want me to believe that shit?

Raghav instantly took a photo and sent it to him

Me :
*inserts image*
You were saying?

Ajey :
What the -

Me :
What she does is none of your business.

Ajey :
Yeah right. Sorry to disturb you. Good night and take care of her.

Me :
Thanks and I will. Good Night.

Raghav deleted the chats and even his missed calls. Keeping the phone aside he kept his hand on her head and started moving it gently.

Ajey kept looking at the photo he sent for a while.
"Why the fuck did I even believe her. Why the fuck did I think she is different? Why the fuck did I even break my rules for her. Why the Fuck! Why the Fuck! Why the Fuck !" He stated almost crying.

"Fuck her !" He said throwing his phone away. Lying on his bed.

The Next Morning

Janvi started to wake up slowly. She didn't know when and where she slept until her last memory hit her weirdly. She woke up in a panic but saw Raghav's Face in front of her. He was good-looking, enough to let be the one sight crush of anyone, and sleeping almost over him made her blush. She woke up and the first thing she did was check if Ajey had contacted her, expecting enormous amounts of worried messages. But to her surprise, she found nothing.
'He might be busy'  She thought. And went to get ready.

After bathing and dressing up, she came out after a while, and Raghav was finally awake. He did not expect Janvi to react with anything. He looked at her dumbfounded.

"Good Morning," she said.

"Good Morning" He replied still not digesting anything.

She went inside the open kitchen and started to prepare breakfast.

"The extra toothbrush is in the bathroom. You can use it and wash your face. Breakfast will be ready in no time"

Raghav felt inside impulses. 'Is that the reason her father wants her to get married !?' 

"Oh. Thanks" he said waking up and stretching. He went in the direction of the bathroom.

"Raghav" Janvi called out his name before he could enter.

"Yes ?" He answered.

"Did Ajey call yesterday? And by mistake, you deleted the call log. I mean do you remember something related to him ?" She asked not looking towards him.

"Ajey? No, I don't think so" He replied with full confidence.

To which she just nodded and kept doing her work.

Raghav went inside and came out within minutes. As Janvi told. The breakfast was ready.

"Don't you have classes today ?" He asked her.
"It's Sunday" She answered taking a bite of her part.

They conversed for a bit more but Janvi didn't seem interested. As a result of this. Raghav left her place sooner than he thought.

A/n: I sort of broke my thumb :)

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