Ch : 25

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A/n: If someone doesn't know when it's written context in capital letters it means the person is shouting. Btw... I GOT THE BEST READERS Y'ALL

Author's POV -

The next afternoon :

(So, don't worry, I'm already on it)

(Yeah. ThankYou)


(*laughs* How's he ?)

(Who ?)

Yesyes. How many brothers do you have)

(Umm.. idk he had been busy lately and me too. But I thought you guys are talking ?)

(Yeah I mean... we were but. You know, I don't feel comfortable.m. Like every time he texts me I get mad *Laughs*)

(What? *Laughs* Why ?)

(You know... he is my crush... I mean used to be... I mean he is now too..)

(He has gained this habit from you)

(What ?)

(Saying 'I mean when he is nervous)

(Ahh... IDK. I just keep ignoring him even when I'm dying to talk to him.... but when I do. I have nothing to say... maybe he noticed this too and now he doesn't talk much. Just 1 or 2 texts a day)

(It is because he is working hard. Not because he doesn't want to talk. Yesterday he slept in his studio)


(Don't worry. He won't give up on you. He never does)

( What ?)

(On his friends. I mean. He asks me if you're fine and to keep checking on you)


(*Laughs* don't overthink)

(Yes... I won't)

(Yeah... I'll ttyl then)




After talking to Yash, Janvi kept her phone aside but just after that it started ringing again. Checking it she found out to be Ajey who called her.



(Did you see it ?)

(See what ?)


(Which Video)

(My video )

(Which one? I've seen all)

(The Video that I released 5 minutes ago! The new one! )

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