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Ajey's POV -

"I'm BORED !!!!!" Janvi groaned standing up after constantly working for 2 hours. "Just how long it takes !!! IT IS SO BORING !" She added.

"That's why I hired you," I said still looking at my scripts.

She kept her head on the table and peeped at me, I found her cute and could not help but smile seeing her irritation. I always was up for her angry moments on call but she looked even cuter in real.

"Fine," I said keeping my scripts aside. "I'll bring something to eat, I'm hungry," I said standing up and leaving the room.

I prepared a tray of Juice and snacks and took it to my studio.

"Here," I said serving her, and she laughed before picking up the glass.

"What's so funny ?" I asked smiling.

"CarryMinati is serving me juice... That is funny" She said

"It wouldn't be if you think your friend Ajey is serving you," I said sitting on my chair.

"My friend is Ajey who is Carryminati is even Funnier," she said leaning back.

"Let's watch something," I said opening my downloaded files. "What? A movie ?" She asked me. I sighed and agreed, but I actually just had Anime Movies downloaded to my PC, which I knew she wouldn't watch, so I did not tell her before.

I chose spirited away, it was a funny and emotional movie.


"TH-" I said pausing the movie which was just started. "That isn't A Cartoon ?! It's An anime !" I completed saying.

"I see no difference. It's just a cartoon with good graphics" She said looking at the screen.

And me being a weeb, started defending myself.


"You know what... I'm not even in this room now !" She stood up and started going out.

I held her by her hand standing up and she started to flinch but I didn't let her. I hugged her tightly from the back and grabbed her arms under mine so she couldn't flinch more. And for one moment I thought she would be uncomfortable but she understood we were only having a fun fight and was laughing making me relieved.

"You know what! You are in this room! And you will watch this !" I said laughing.

She on the other hand trying to get rid of me pushed me back, but I was holding her tighter than she thought, and as a result, I fell and sat on the chair with her in my lap.

Now this was something too extreme making both of us calm. I left her and she stood up.

"I- I'm sorry," I said but she was looking somewhere else. I looked in that direction and found Yash leaning on the doorframe by his head as support.

"Oh. I'm sorry.  Did I disturb you both ?" He said controlling his laughs.

"NO ! WE WERE NOT-" Janvi said and then looked at me expecting to speak something.

"She called Anime a CARTOON ?" I said

"Technically it is a type of cartoon animation," She said keeping her point.


"Changing the name won't change the meaning," She said keeping yet another point and To be honest her points made sense but still! It was Anime! No way it will be called Cartoon!

"Have you watched Even One Anime ?" Yash asked.

"No," she said

"Then watch one, you'll know the difference," He said "I'll leave you guys alone, and Ajey! I just forgot about all this! Deepak Bhaiya told me to ask you if your scripts are arranged" He said.

"Almost" I answered though I was lying, but he just nodded and left.

We both looked at each other and her stare was like a dagger.

"What ?!" I asked.

"Cartoon !" She said.

"The only cartoon in this room is you," I said and she just sighed.

"Let me help you arrange those," She said.

"It's almost done. I'll do it myself" I replied but she snatched the suit book from me.

"You won't," She said staring at me.

"Now tell me how are you arranging these"

"Based on topics and dates"

She halved the pile and gave it to me.

You do this one and I'll do this one. Then we'll compile them at the last.

We started working and it was almost evening when we finished. She started yawning and seemed tired so I called it a day.

"Let's do else things tomorrow," I said standing and stretching. And just as I stretched my T-shirt went a little upside showing a little of the bare torso and her eyes went wide. I smiled and looked at her, but she did not look back at me.

"Yeah fine, drop me home," She said taking her bag and moving out of the room.

I dropped her home and she invited me inside but It was too late and because of the lockdown, we couldn't roam out much. So I just returned home.

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