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A/N: This book got so imaginary in the last part. Ajey in this fiction kissed his love and The Ajey in real life: 'We don't give a fuck about no  bitches !'

Janvi's POV -

I was traumatized more than anything else. If my dad came and told me my real mom is back. I would get fewer jerks than the kisses that he gave me just right now. I was feeling so dizzy that I ended up sitting. I was not even looking at him.

He opened the door and came back turning around, when I noticed my lipstick on his lips.

'Damn! They said it doesn't spread!'

Not knowing much about makeup, I had this thought at first. 

I gestured to him with my finger but he didn't understand. Behind him stood, Yash Bhaiya and Raghav.

"What ?" He asked out loud.

'Idiot' I called him inside me.

He was in front of me and both of them couldn't see me, So I made a clear gesture by touching my lips and then pointing my finger towards him. 

And that idiot everyone, started smiling and showed me his hands moving up and down slowly as to tell me to stop.

"We'll finish it later," He said so slowly that no one could hear it, but as he was closer to me, I did get to hear his whisper.

He turned around when I was shocked at his dumbness without me noticing him. He was half-turned when I looked up at him.  I stood up and rushed to him to stop him from turning at their side but it was too late. So I ended up facepalming hiding the blush of my embarrassment.

"Woah. " Yeah, bhaiya made his remark first.

"I told you to do it after we are done! Couldn't you wait !" Raghav said.

Meanwhile, Ajey who stood there confused asked them what they meant, to which they started laughing. At least Raghav laughed hard.

"You are impatient," He said moving towards him and putting a hand on his shoulders making him see his half-red lips in the mirror.

And then he realized, I wasn't asking for a kiss and was telling him to clear his face.

"Ah, bro... you know... She was trying the shade of get lipstick on me" He said.

'Seriously? This dumb excuse ?'  I thought facepalming even inside my mind.

"You know... we can discuss your makeout session afterward but we have one good and one bad news," Yash bhaiya said.

I looked up to him and Ajey too.

"What ?" He asked.

"Bad news is for Ajey and Good news is for Janvi," He said.

"What ?" I asked.

"You are about to get kidnapped by carryminati," Raghav said.

"WHAT ?" Ajey and I both said.

"Ajey you are going to kidnap a bride," Yash bhaiya said.

"WHAT ?" We both again said moving our heads towards Yash Bhaiya in sync.

We have to move out of here in 10 minutes. It's already 3 p.m.

"I'm not going anywhere !" Janvi said looking at Ajey.

"We will tell you what happened once we reach Delhi or at least on the way. We have told everything to Tammana and she will stay here" Raghav said.

I didn't have a clue about what was happening.

Yash bhaiya calmly told me to change and so did Raghav. But after a trial of disappointment, they held their hands up.

"Change or I'll get you changed," Ajey said.

And I looked at him. When did he become so confident? 

"You won't," I said smiling

"I will" He replied with such confidence that I almost believed him.

"You wont" my smile dropped.

He pulled my hand and pushed me into the closet area.

"I give you 5 minutes before I come in," he said closing the door.

I was left alone inside. 'He didn't even think of how those two will tease us for this' 

"4 minutes," He said from outside. At this point, I knew he would come inside if I didn't change and go outside. So I did, but I made up my mind not to leave the room. I changed into regular jeans and a top.

"3.....2......1" He said and opened the door.

He pulled me out and I stoke on his chest. He had a hand around my arm.

"Now ?" He asked Yash bhaiya to give him instructions.

"We have to get out without coming in anyone's notice," He said.

"I'm not leaving," I said.

"I'll pick you up and leave and that would be even worse, you should walk by yourself"

"You won't," I said

"I will" He replied

I was unsure about this though, I mean he wouldn't just carry me outside, right?
He won't right?

"Fine. You left me no choice then" He came towards me.

"WAIT STOP! WHAT ABOUT MY SISTER !" I yelled, Gaining the attention of everyone from outside, inside my room.

"Are you-" Ajey said, but was stopped by the knock of Yash's mom on the door.

"Janvi, I promise she will be fine. Better than you will ever expect her to be" Yash said.

"Trust me this one time. He is right" Raghav said and I had a mind messed up, my expression went confusing, gaining a voice, "Janvi open the door !"

"Look here, look at me," Ajey said handling my face gently in his palms.

"I promise, I'll make everything right, just come with me for now," He said.

What if I go now? My sister? Will I be called selfish? Will she blame me forever?
No. it's not the time, I can't destroy my life. I've to live up. If to become a doctor. I've to spend my life with whom I love. I can't do any more sacrifices.

I held Ajey's hand. "Okay," I said, making each one of them smile.

"JANVI !" This time it was my dad.

"What do we do ?" Yash bhaiya said in a panic.

"Here" I lead them to the balcony.

My room was on the second floor and had an open balcony that had one end attached to the stairs that lead to the backdoor of the house.

"From here, no matter if you see a gun, elephant, or god himself, just keep running till we reach the car," I said.

All of us sighed at that exact moment for what we were doing was the utmost risk.

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