Ch: 19

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Author's POV -


Yash woke up with a blanket on and as Ajey's room was next to his studio he knew it was his kid brother. He smiled and walked inside Ajey's room folding the blanket.

He saw Ajey sleeping with one earplug of headphones still tucked into his shirt. That made Yash chuckle a bit. He took his phone and opened it, as he knew his password, just to check what song was he listening to.

He plugged in the earphones and played what was the lastly played, it was their call recording. Yash suddenly dropped his expression, he was neither happy nor sad. He was shocked to see such an immense change in Ajey. He started checking his phone, looking for their chats. Normally he wouldn't do something like that but he was sure that something related to her was bothering him these days.

He looked for their chats but found nothing. He opened the gallery and found that photo of Janvi and Some other boy with her. 'So that's why' he thought. He sent Jannvi's Contact to his own Chat from Ajey's phone and deleted the last part. He decided to call and talk to Janvi when Ajey wouldn't be around. Keeping the phone where it was earlier he moved out.

After a few hours, Ajey started the shoot for his video. Yash called Janvi.

Yash's POV -

I Called her but she didn't pick my call. Maybe because it was unknown number ? Or did Ajey already gave her my number ? Bothered I decided to complete my track work.

It was almost 1 pm and she didnt call back. I decided to call her back after having lunch.

We were having our lunch, Ajey quietly and Me and Mom wondering what had happened to him. After mom did, I completed my part and stood up for washing hands, leaving just Ajey behind. As I was washing I heard Ajey calling me.

"YASH !!" He yelled.

"WHAT ?" I yelled back.

"Your phone is ringing !" He told me again.

"Whats the name ?!" I asked him.

And then, A pure film of fear covered my body from inside to outside. Thinking it would be Janvi. I ran leaving the water tap open behind me, with the speed of light.

As I reached near the table Ajey was just about to pick the phone and I screamed.

"AJEY ! DONT !" With my full voice.

He panicked and his hand hit his plate of food and the pury of the Sabzi landed on his face and then T-Shirt.

I didnt care about what happened to him at that moment and just Took my phone. As I expected, it was Janvi.

Meanwhile Ajey removed the pury from his eyes and tried opening them.

"WHAT THE FUCK !" He screamed. "MUMMY !" He screamed again.

"YASH !!" My mom screamed back at me.

"Y-YEAH ?!" I answered.

She came into the dining hall. "You left the tap open ! Are you some old grandpa who cant remember closing a tap ?!" She said in anger.

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