Ch : 18

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Janvi's POV :

Once, Raghav left. I tried calling Ajey.

'The number you are calling is currently busy', For the fucking 4th time. I kept thinking about what would have happened. When I called him his manager sounded angry...
'Why are you such a fucking nuisance JANVIIIII' I Was loud in my mind.

I tried for the last time and he finally picked it up.

(Hello! Ajey I-)

(You got something important ?)

(Are you busy ?)

(I always am. Unlike you.)

(Why are you being so rude? Did someone say something to you ?)

(No. I'm not being rude. I'm cool as hell.)

(I wanted to tell you something)

(What ?)

(So like yesterday-)

(Ohh... you're not starting with your family drama. Are you? Because if you are then you don't need me. You got better and more close friends )

(What ?)

(Yeah.. the mom-dad thing you always ignore)

(Ajey. Wtf happened to you)

(To me? Ohh... nothing. I just came to know some realities.)

(What realities ?)

(That! Girls like you will never change! They run after money and fame !)

(*Pause* A-Ajey What happened? Wh-what Did I-I do? *Voice breaking* )

(Stop crying)


(Don't call me again)


Call ended

I decided not to cry and stay strong, so for distraction, I called my friends and studied for a long. Till evening came. But being me, I craved to talk to him. And I didn't understand what did I do.
'He probably just took out his work frustration on me'  I kept giving myself lame excuses.

Ajey's POV -

I kept the phone aside and started working on the new project. But I just couldn't do it. I couldn't. It was so difficult for me. Yash and Deepak Bhaiya were exclamatebounded to see me like that. I kept forgetting the script. I didn't show much energy and many key factors. Deepak Bhaiya thought it was because of TTvsYT and kept consoling me. But Yash knew it wasn't cause I fully overcame it.

At the end of the daytime, we had to leave for Mivi's Sponsorship Shoot. As I was getting ready Yash came into my room.

"You have time ?" He asked me.
"No" I replied by which he confirmed something was up with me.
"Is it Janv-"
"No. And I'm getting late. See ya later" I fixed my belt and moved out of the room.

The first day of the shoot went fine. We came back home and it was night. I was missing her. And then suddenly a notification popped up.

Angry Bird :
At least tell me what have I done.

My heart sank. I couldn't refrain from talking to her. So I decided to reply.

Me :

Angry Bird :
Then what's this all about?

Me :
Simply. I don't want to talk to you.

Angry Bird :
I would be blocked by now if that was the case.

Me :
Oh hell yeah! I should do it!

Angry Bird :

Block Angry Bird?
Yes / No

"Not this time" I told myself. "I won't get played by someone this time". "Not this time" I kept repeating until I fell asleep on the bed. Just like this, it went a week and a few more days. I kept concentrating in

I woke up thirsty at somewhat between 1 and 2 am. I went to the kitchen and drank a glass of water straight out of the fridge.

I was coming back to my room but then I saw Yash's studio door open. I entered inside and found him sleeping on the chair. I immediately went to the room and brought my ACblanket and adjusted his chair's position to comfort him without waking him up. I switched off the lights and moved out of his and into my room.

I lay on the bed but I was missing him so much I couldn't sleep. I sat on the bed again and opened my phone. I saw that picture that his friend or idk who he is to her if she was sleeping with him, sent me.

I stared at her for some moments and then started reading our old conversations, I scrolled and kept scrolling and laughed at some parts too. Until I reached the very first msg that she sent me. Then again, I had this weird feeling. So I closed the chat and then deleted the thousands of messages she sent me. 5 minutes.... 2 months were erased in 5 minutes.

Still, I wasn't satisfied yet, I wanted to shout at her for doing that. But... 'What would I say? It was true, It was her choice to do anything but still! It made me angry! It made me hurt! It made me sad! It made me jealous!
Wait... Jealous? '
Was I jealous? Why? Have I started to ....  NO WAY! NO FUCKING WAY!
But then, Why am I so restless? Why am I .... feeling incomplete? Why do I need her?

I lay on my bed and buried my face in the pillow. "Feelings are the worse" I mumbled.

I finally decided to listen to songs while sleeping. As I was listening, one of our Call Recs started to play. God! I missed her voice too! It was so soothing to hear it. So I set it on a loop for a half-hour time limit. And as I got what I was wanting... I slept maybe less than half an hour.

A/N: Idk why am I writing "Her / She" Instead of "Him/He/His"

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