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A/N: I'm so tired I wasn't to write :)

Janvi's POV -

THE FUCK DID JUST HAPPEN TO ME? Was it true or... I mean yes everything made sense now. His mother is a medic. He lives there in CARRY'S HOUSE. Because it's his own motherfucking house. Why didn't want to send me his picture? The number of times he used to address Ajey's work as his work !!!
But still, it was too much for me to believe that.

Even if Yash Bhaiya sorted everything... wtf will I say to him ?! I stamped so bad for him in front of himself. My My- I'm so shameful!

After 2-3 hours of this sudden trauma, I decided to tell Yash bhaiya the truth but ask him not to tell it to Ajey.

On the other thought, even though he is a human, he is different from on screen. Ajey and Carry are two different people. Of Course! Ajey would be hurt seeing me with someone like that! I would be jealous too!

My chain of thoughts was cut by Yash's call as I answered it.



(*Sighs* He just left for his shoot. Now we are at peace. Tell me now)

(What shoot )

(Oh... it's just a sponsorship shoot)


(Will you tell me now ?)

(Yeah.. actually before I tell you. Please favor me by not telling him anything )

(Why ?)

(Cause..... Even if we sort out now things would not be the same. I know he is my idol. I'll talk differently which will hurt him too)

(But he deserves to know the truth. Whatever it is)

(*Huffs* Do whatever you want. I won't be talking to him. Thats all)


(Okay so... I had some family issues and my dad came over and we had an argument... a very massive one)

(Yeah he told me that)

(Oh...  WAIT WHAT? How does he know ?)


(What ?)

(So... don't tell him... but like he sort of overheard your convo with your dad that day. You mistakingly accepted his call)

(Wait so... he knows ?)

(Yeah.. he does)

(*Sarcastic laugh* So... he knew but he didn't bother to ask me)

(Umm I can't say anything until you tell me the actuality)

(Yeah.. so, as I argued. Raghav came to know using my younger brother calling him.. oh and... btw.. his name is Yash too..)


(Yeah so. I didn't want to eat and Raghav knew that so he came with dinner at my place. We had it and. I SWEAR... I Swear we were sitting like 2-3 feet apart. But I cried so much. idk when I fell asleep. And he didn't wake me up... and then, when I woke up and asked him if Ajey has called or texted he denied it... and there was nothing on my phone as well...)

(He might have deleted the chats)

(Yeah, right)

(Look, Janvi... it's a miscommunication, you can't break your friendship over some stupid bastard)

(Sorry, but I do not see my mistake except falling asleep on him unconsciously)

(Yes IK)

(It's no problem. I'm glad I talked to him. But even if we talk now. We won't be the same.)

(I'm sorry on his behalf)

(You don't need to. I'm sorry for creating such a mess in his life)

(No you didn't okay? I'll ask him to apologize)

(I don't need an apology. Especially from him)

(I- I don't know what to say. Then I'll just let him decide)


(Yes. I'll ttyl)

(Bye. Take care)

(You too. Bye)

Call ended

Author's POV -

"Such fuss," Yash said and waited for Ajey to return keeping his work in progress.

Hours went by and he didn't realize engrossed in his work.

He heard Ajey unlocking his room and calling him by shouting out his name.

Ajey entered the room all tired rubbing the back of his neck and moving his shoulders to comfort the pain.

"Yeah ?" He said.

"Are you okay ?"

"Yeah yeah. you say.. what's up ?"

"Come sit. I've to talk" Yash said pointing toward the chair beside him.

Ajey went there speaking "You are becoming like dad as a day pass. You're growing old fast"

Yash laughed very lowly. "At least one of us had to act mature or mom will get mad in no time"

"I saw your maturity at lunchtime today," Ajey said mocking him and laughing.

"Well.. if I say. That call was from Janvi and that's why I didn't want you to see my phone" Yash said leaning a bit towards the front placing both his hand on his knees and joining them at the end.

"What? Janvi called you?" Ajey said with a confused expression.

Yash then told him everything from end to start including, his hearing the call recording, him calling Janvi, Janvi calling him back, and the explanation of all the chaos created"

"That prick is so dead now," Ajey said furiously.

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