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Both of the brothers looked at each other with a jerk and now as the door was open Yash pushed it to get inside.

Ajey recognized Raghav as the photo he sent was clear with At least his face.

"CARRYM-" Raghav yelled but his yell was stopped by a sharp stone-like punch on his right cheekbone making him fall a bit towards the ground.

"HOW DARE YOU TOUCH HER AGAIN," Ajey said furiously while Yash held him back.

Raghav was in head-to-heel confusion about what was happening.

"What the hell," Raghav said.

"YOU-" Ajey was about to say something but was cut off by someone.

"Ajey" A weak but sweet voice came from his back.

All of his anger, jealousy, and frustration blew out of his ears as the voice entered them. He turned back slowly.

Janvi stood there with her mouth open and nearly crying.

Seeing her cry Ajey's expressions changed quickly.

"I'm sorry... I'm so sorry Janvi" He said while Janvi approached him. "I did not mean to make you cry-" He continued to speak but was stopped by a warm hug from her"

His heart was beating fast as her head lay on his shoulder. Both of them had just a 1-2 inches gap in their height, so it was easier to place her head on his shoulder.

Suddenly she separated from him with a flushed expression.
"OH, MY GOD. I'M SORRY" She said with a tear on the verge of falling. But he held both of her arms tightly and pulled her back into a hug. However, this time she did not hug him back.

"Finee! Get a room !" Yash said making the two separate.

"Are you okay? Did he hurt you ?" Ajey said examining her hands.

"No. I-" Janvi was saying something but was interrupted.

"OH, My Damned God! I'm such a big fan of yours! I did not know that you are Ajey NAGAR !" Raghav said holding his cheek.

"I'm sorry for that punch," Ajey said.

"WHAT? NO NO NO! YOU CAN PUNCH ME AGAIN IF YOU WANT !" Raghav exclaimed making everyone laugh.
Janvi made them sit and went into the kitchen.

"Bro... I seriously did not know that You are Janvi's BOYFRIEND! I would never come into your way" Raghav said.

"Now you know" Ajey replied.

"But she isn't his Girlfriend yet," Yash said to which Ajey just nodded.

"Oh.... you are friends," Raghav said back.

"Yes. But that doesn't mean you will try your luck with her" Ajey told him making sure to look serious.

"Don't worry about that. I MEAN YOU ARE AJEY NAGAR !" She said cheekpalming.

"Yes and this should be a secret for all of our safety purposes or You will have to face consequences," Yash said.

"Bro - Don't worry About that too. YOU ARE YASH NAGAR !" He said putting another hand on his cheek.

Yash just sighed at his stupid talks while Ajey was looking in the direction where Janvi went.

"I'll just go check on her," He said standing up from his place leaving Yash and Raghav behind.

He went to the kitchen and as he was about to call Janvi's name he stopped at the sight of what he saw.

An extremely nervous, panicked but excited Janvi talking on a call with her friend.

She sat on the floor kneeling forward then stood up putting her hands on her knee. She roamed in circles, sometimes jumping a little when she said something that would excite her more. He facepalmed and sometimes dash her fist on the slab gently.

All this was so cute to Ajey that he was just smiling and enjoying what he was seeing.

Janvi's POV -

(And I finally gave him your address... Bro I nearly collapsed !)




(Hey hey hey... tell me how he is looking..)

(Okay so... he is wearing this black T-Shirt that has a tight-fitting and a blue pair of jeans with Sneakers. And Oh My God He is looking cute! Cuter than he looks in his videos! Dudee3 !!!!!!! Wtf... I'll collapse at his beauty !)

I was just having my time by doing what I love to do, that is, talking and praising Ajey but then I turned to take out juice from the fridge and saw Mr. Ajey Nagar standing as in leaning on the doorframe of my kitchen. Him smiling most probably at my stupidity and freaking behavior.

My mouth stopped speaking on its own.



What happened ?)


I was only able to close my mouth and speak half of his name.

He came towards me and I panicked more but I did not move. He took the phone from my hand and put it on speaker.

(What? Ajey ?)

(Yeah. I'm here. Thanks for giving the address. Your friend is in shock to see me in her kitchen and I don't think she will be able to talk to you for a while)

(Wh-What !?)

(Bye *laughs*)

Call Ended

He gave the phone in my hand which was still in the position of holding a phone.

"Do you want me to sketch you ?" He said laughing and I came back to my senses.

"Oh... No.. ah... Do you want something ?" I asked

"Nothing. You were taking time so I just came to check" he said

"Oh.. okay," I said taking out the juice bottles from the fridge and pouring it into glasses.

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