Ch : 16

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A/N: Okay it took me 3 times to decide on the further storyline you better review it correctly !!

Janvi's POV -

After keeping the docs in the drawer I went back to the couch and laid on it. I kept crying until I was a bit warm and fell asleep. I woke up at night at dinner time. But I wasn't hungry so I decided to just have some light snacks.

I didn't see my phone and I kept thinking about the situation. One week? And If I don't do it then what? What about being a doctor? What about all that I'm painting for? What about now? When these thoughts were battling in my mind my phone rang.

Call from Raghav

(Hello ?)

(Ya ?)

(What happened)

(What ?)

(Yash called me. Your dad visited you today. What happened ?)

(That kid !)

(Cause he cares for you stupid)

(Nothing happened)

(Your voice doesn't agree)

(What do you want)

(Stop being bitchy)

(I'm not being bitchy. I'd be practical. What do you want.)


(WHAT ?)

(You to be happy)

(I- I don't know... IDK what to do..)

(Calm down. Tell me what happened)

From there, I told him everything that happened. I cried in between sometimes but then I held back thinking I'd be sounding over dramatic.

(Uncle was a bit harsh this time. Like he shouldn't have slapped you like that.)

(Really? This is all you have to say? Isn't he forcing me to get married wrong as well ?)

(Yeah. I mean... Look. He is your father.)

(He is NOT my father)

(Janvi.... don't act stubborn)

(I'm not acting stubborn. After mom passed away he thought I'm a burden to him. Even Yash's mom treated me better than him !)

(Umm look. Uncle has a very different and materialistic thinking I agree, but its good for your and Yash's future)

(It's good for YASH'S Future only)

(Ahhh... leave.... so what will you do now ?)

(I don't know... I don't fucking know. I want to complete my Studies)

(I have an idea... but there are higher chances of you killing me if I tell you)

(At this point. I'll take any advice that lets me study including murder)

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