Ch : 14

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Author's POV :

Ajey slept after talking to Janvi and woke up with a terrible shake and a deep voice.
"AJEY !" The angry voice made him wake up from fear.
"Hnn ?? Hmm ?" He sat on the bed with his messy hair, scratching the back of his head sheepishly. He started to look for his glasses but a strong hand handed it over to him.

The blurred image got sharpened and he saw his precious elder brother and manager Deepak Char.

"Who the fuck do you think you are? Prime Minister ?" He said frowning.
"What? No? Why ?" Ajey, still confused asked him.
"You know what the time is?" He asked.
"What is it ?" He looked at his phone. But rather than looking at the time he saw the notifications of Janvi. Although it had notifications of several missed calls from Deepak Bhaiya as well.

He opened Janvi's Messages.

Angry Bird :





Ajey's heart came to his mouth at that exact moment. As he realized he had a very important meeting with his sponsor 'Mivi'  Today at 9 am but it was 11: 30 now. He told about it to Janvi at night when they were talking about everything.

There were more msgs but he just replied with "TTYL" And gulped down for as how Ferociously Deepak Bhaiya looked at him he could imagine the wrath vibrating inside his veins.



To which Ajey closed his mouth and got ready for the lecture. As expected Bhaiya lectured him for 2 hours straight and told him how Careless he is and lazy too. But he did not mind a word cause he knew it was because he cared for him.

"Fine bhaiya. I'm sorry. But...I was just really sleepy"  he said.

"What? Why? You did not even stream yesterday or night. What were you doing? You don't even watch Netflix! What the fuck were you doing all night ?!" He asked still angry.

"I was ta-" Ajey stopped. Remembering the policies Deepak Bhaiya had set up for his welfare. No girlfriend, No love life, No bullshit related to that just focusing on the career.

"You were ?" Deepak Bhaiya asked.

"I was tallying our projects up till now. You know... putting The scripts
In order and also the script for the next video.  I've thought of it !"

At this, Deepak Bhaiya's anger cooled just like ice.

"Oh... But Ajju. We had a meeting today. You should have accounted that in mind na Beta. You Know how many problems did I face convincing them to other dates of the meeting." He calmly said.

"I know.... but-" Ajey was cut off in between.

"So what is the topic for the next video ?" Deepak Bhaiya asked.

Ajey stopped right where he was. Gave his back to Deepak Bhaiya who was now sitting on his bed and drinking the glass of water that he brought for him before scolding him.

"I'll tell you In detail afterward." He said drinking a sip.

"Tell me the topic, not the details." Deepak Bhaiya replied.

Ajey looked here and there biting his inner cheeks, Licking his lips with a worried expression.

"The T-Topic ?" He said.

"Yes," Bhaiya replied.

"The topic.. is," He said.

"Is ?" Bhaiya replied.

Meanwhile Ajey in his conscience,
'Great! Wtf should I tell him ?! What should I roast !!!!! Deepak Kalal? No... it's overrated now... Dhinchak Pooja ?! She hasn't released a song plus this sounds like I've made it up right now !!! THINK AJEY THINK! I wish I could ask Janvi !!!!
Wait -
We did discuss it! We discussed the next roasting video topic !!! Yes, we did !'

A night ago :

(Ovio! I'll kill all those who hate Carry !)

(Sure! sure! I'm with you !)

(I think na! He should make a video on this topic! Like bhaii tum hi batao kaise galiya control karu ? And like as if you people don't abuse !)

(Dude. You give great hugs hnn )


At present

"AJEY ???" Deepak Bhaiya raised his voice again.

"Yeah.. so.." Ajey sat beside him, The thing is. I've been thinking. About YTvsTT for a while. And like I gained some criticism for abusing. So I was thinking to make a video with defense or Sarcasm on this topic of how normal abuse is these days. And like don't they all who've been claiming that I do wrong by making such content abuse some moment or the other themselves..." He finished explaining.

"Genius! Ajey you are an absolute genius !" Deepak Bhaiya said.

'Close Call... Janvi. ThankYou'

Meanwhile, With Janvi,

"This Pony !" She yelled in annoyance. As her msgs were still not checked by him.
But then. She received a text. "TTYL," He said.

"Fine! He would have been scolded by the manager now !"

She laid back on her bed as her classes just finished.

"Uhhh! I shouldn't have made him call me !" She mumbled, she was so sleepy herself that she could barely keep her eyes open.

But just then, her doorbell rang. 

"Who the fuck" she mumbled again in frustration.

She went there and opened the door and her jaw opened it an Aw.

AN: Sorry for leaving you in suspense :)

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