Chapter 50

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Today is the day that we are reuniting with my twin sister so you can imagine that it has been pretty emotional. We have not shared anything online so nobody is aware of what's taking place and I have a bunch of emotions running through my body. Due to the uncertainty of our relationship, I contemplated not picking Mya up but I knew that she would never forgive me for that and I would never forgive myself either. 

No matter what we have been through, it has always been us against the world.

"She better not attack me at first sight." Dwayne mumbles as he parks outside of the jailhouse and I give him a kiss on the cheek.

Dwayne came home from to be here for this moment which I really appreciate. Lil Kim flew in so we decided to pick her up along the way and my daughter will be meeting her aunt for the very first time.

"Here she comes." Dwayne points out my sister who is being led outside with a guard and I begin to cry we lock eyes.

"MYA!" I jump out of the car and she starts crying as we run towards eachother. Mya jumps into my arms and we go toppling to the ground all while bawling our eyes out. Incoherent words are leaving our mouths as it hits us that we are finally reunited after the longest year.

Since the day that we were born, we have never been apart longer than a couple of days so this have been a real test to both us. The biggest difference is that I now have a child who is a year old and she doesn't know my twin.

"Mya." Lil Kim jumps out of the car as we stand up and I watch with a smile as they greet eachother with a hug. I look back to see Dwayne standing there with Tiana in his arms and I notice that he is filming which I am grateful for.

"Oh my..." Mya covers her mouth as she notices my daughter looking at her. "Nya."

"That's Tiana." I laugh through the tears, "That's my baby girl."

It doesn't take us long to walk over to them and Mya stops infront of Dwayne which makes me take a step forward.


"Hey Dwayne." Mya surprises all of us by hugging Dwayne and he even looks at me in surprise. "Hi Tiana."

I laugh as Tiana looks at me then Mya and back again.

"Mommy." Tiana reaches for me and I take her out of Dwayne's arms. She goes to bury her face in my neck when I turn her over to look at my twin who is in tears again.

"This is mommy's sister." I tell her as I throw my arm around Mya's shoulder. "Say hi Mya."

"Hi Mya." Tiana shyly waves.

"Can you give aunt Mya a hug?" I ask and she shakes her head no, making all of us.

"Look at me." Lil Kim says to Tiana as she hugs Mya. "I'm hugging Mya."

Tiana continues to shake her head as I pull Mya close to us and as I hug her, Tiana wraps her tiny arm around Mya's neck. That moment just makes me cry because this is their first time meeting and it's something that should have taken place a long time ago.



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