Chapter 17

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A few weeks have passed since I last spoke to my twin. The only time that we have been together is when we are discussing LuCage, our fashion brand. We have stopped collaborating and we actually have a management team managing our joint social media accounts. 

Dwayne and I went to London for him to film Hobbs and Shaw. It was such a surreal experience since I've only been to London for a day so to be there for a couple of weeks was great because I really got to experience that London life.

Once we got back to America, Dwayne moved into his new home and I made the decision to temporarily move in with him. Of course, the media found out about this and they had a field day about it. It didn't help that both Mya and Lil Kim kept making comments on the situation. This has nothing to do with Lil Kim but she kept she giving her input. 

In a few days, Dwayne will be heading to Hawaii to continue shooting Hobbs and Shaw. I am planning to follow him there but I first have some business to sort out here.

Mya and I had a meeting with the Balmain team about our collection which has been restocked once more. They were thinking of having our items put into the Balmain stores and wanted our permission to do so. We agreed to it because it is great to have our name out there. 

Since we started fighting, we stopped working on our latest collection so this is the only way that we are making money at the moment. We haven't done any brand deals together in a while so it's expected. It also made me aware of the fact that I need to sort myself out and find another source of income. 

"Perfect." Our photographer says as he stops taking pictures of us. "I'll go through these and you guys will receive copies of the images tonight." 

I fake a smile as the photographer walks away

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I fake a smile as the photographer walks away.

"How have you been?" Mya asks as we begin walking to the car. I say nothing because I'm still mad at the comment that she made about sleeping with Dwayne and the comments that she made online. "Ok, so you're still ignoring me. That's pretty childish."

"No, you are the childish one." I turn to face her. "Why the hell are you like this?"

"Like what? Like you." Her face remains blank.

"I am really trying to be mature here with you but I just can't." I give her a sad smile. "How did we come to this?"

"You did this to us."

"We're not kids, Mya." I shake my head. "We are twenty five years old and our father passed away when we we were twenty. We were not children and that's why I can't excuse our reasons for anything, we were adults. We became The Cage Twins and we gave up who we really were to be this one person."

"So, what's your point?" She hugs herself.

"My point is that we were wrong. Yeah, everybody left us and that fucking sucks but we were wrong in what we were doing. We may be building this empire around our father but he would be disgusted with some of things that we have done just to get here. From the nudes, kissing eachother for photoshoots and don't get me started on our party days. Those orgies and threesomes that we were doing, we fucked up. We are fucked up individuals and I can see that now." I almost gag as I think of the things we have done. "I am trying to redeem myself and work towards being a better person that I can be proud of. I have finally found someone who loves me for me and doesn't care too much about my past."

A tear slides down my face.

"I am happy, Mya. You could be too if you allowed yourself but you're so stuck onto me. We are not going to marry the same person or marry eachother so why can't you let me go? We haven't seen or spoken to eachother in weeks and I was so unbelievably happy.. That was the first time that I have ever felt like myself and not like a Cage twin. I respect myself now and I am looking to make my future brighter, with or without you."


"You look cute

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"You look cute." I tell Lil Kim as soon as I walk into her home. "The colour suits you a lot."

"Thank you." She smiles at me as she leads me to her living room, once we are suited she turns to me, "Do you want a drink?"

"No thank you." I shake my head. "I won't be staying long."


"Let me just get straight to the point." I pop my lips. "I don't know what games you are playing with Mya but you need to stop. I don't appreciate you coming out of nowhere and trying to influence her. We were fine without you."

Lil Kim scoffs at my words, "You have some nerve."

"No you do." I hiss as I get in her face. "Stay the fuck out of our sisterhood and stop making comments on shit that you know nothing about. You don't know us and you don't know what we do."

"Little girl you betta get outta my face." I lean back as she kisses her teeth. "Mya has told me a lot about you. I may not have raised you but I am still your mother, you will show me respect." 

"Fuck your respe-." She slaps me and I clench my jaw. "I hate you."

"I'm your mother."

"NO YOU'RE NOT!" I explode as I jump to my feet. "You're just the bitch that carried and delivered us. You did not raise us, we don't know you. Mya is confused because she is a fan of Lil Kim, Lil Kim ain't our mother. We didn't have a mother growing up, we only had a father and that's it."

"I thought we were over this." She narrows her eyes at me and I scoff.

"I tried to get past it but I am so goddamn tired of you interfering in things that have nothing to do with you." My voice becomes hoarse. "You keep commenting on us and I don't like that shit, period."

"You ditched your sister for a man." I laugh at her words. "I was just comforting my daughter. What they ask me during the interviews is not to do with me? But when my daughter is crying on social media then it has everything to do with me."

I close my eyes for a moment, "The apple doesn't fall far from the tree. I don't want you in my life so you better keep my name out of your mouth and I mean it."

"I can talk about whatever the fuck I want." She stands to her feet but her height means nothing to me, I could rest my arms on her head if I wanted to.

"If you are doing your little radio interviews then be my guest, talk about us but don't forget to mention your failing career." I stare her down. "Don't forget to mention how you gave up raising your daughters for your career, how you never saw or called us. Tell them that you never came to see us after our dad passed away, you went back on tour. Tell them that this is the longest that I've seen or spoken to you in 25 fucking years. You tell them that."

On that note, I turn and leave her home but not before knocking over a picture frame. The picture frame is a picture of my father and us when we were first born. She doesn't deserve to have that up in her home. She left him, she left us for a career that she couldn't even sustain.

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