Chapter 35

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CageTwins: I got your back

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CageTwins: I got your back

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I put down my phone and I smile to myself as I think of the news that I just heard. In a couple of months, they will be hosting a family day at the correctional facility that Mya is staying at. My twin will finally be able to meet her niece.

I let out a wince as I look down at my daughter whose eyes are slowly shutting.

"She's milking you dry." Dwayne pulls a face as he looks at the greedy monster who is sucking on my nipple as if I have an unlimited supply of milk to give.

I'm actually going to start pumping because this girl has made my nipples so sore. I can't even wear anything because my boobs just hurt and my nipples are constantly leaking. 

I will have no breasts by the time Tiana is done with me.

"She's got your eating habits." I groan as I adjust her body. "Dwayne, take your daughter before she starts drawing blood." 

Dwayne tries to take Tiana but her eyes fly open and she grabs my boobs with her hands, keeping me in place.

"Oh hell no." Dwayne laughs as he safely detaches Tiana from my nipple. I kiss my teeth as the girl starts to cry.

My nipple has been in her mouth for an hour. I'll tell you this, the girl has gotten too comfortable with my body and that needs to change.

"I'll pump the rest out." I tell Dwayne as I rush upstairs to our bedroom.


DwayneJohnson: I have so much love and respect for this hot mama

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DwayneJohnson: I have so much love and respect for this hot mama. Men, we really need to show more respect to women because the things they do for us is unimaginable. Having a child is beautiful but it is also a sacrifice for the woman. She not only has to carry the child for forty weeks but she has to then go through childbirth which many women don't survive. The mother then needs to sacrifice her body to feed and nurture her child. What I have seen these last few weeks has really made me appreciative to the women in my life. You are awesome and so loved.

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We have Dwayne's mother and daughter watching Tiana while we go on a date night. This is our first night alone without our daughter and I am just hoping to make the most of it.

In preparation for tonight, I pumped a shit ton of milk while my hairstylist slayed my hair. I have thirty inch extensions in my hair and I'm not sure how long they will last with my daughter around.

"You look beautiful." Dwayne softly says as I stand infront of me.

"Even with my boobs out?" I tease and he chuckles.

"Even with your boobs out." He wraps his arms around my waist. "They're looking more natural now."

"Deflated." I correct him.

"But those lips of yours still have life." Dwayne pecks my lips. "I love you."

"I love you too, you big jerk." I pinch his side and Dwayne pulls me in for a more passionate kiss. Dwayne rests his hands on my bum while I have mine wrapped around his waist.

 Dwayne rests his hands on my bum while I have mine wrapped around his waist

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"This place is beautiful." I comment as I look around the restaurant. "Real fancy."

"You deserve the very best." Dwayne holds out his glass and I do the same. "To new beginnings."

"To new beginnings." We clink our glasses together.

"Have you started planning the wedding?" Dwayne asks as he starts cutting into his steak.

"I haven't, I really just wanted to wait of Mya to be out before I start officiating things." I answer as I put a carrot in my mouth.

"That's fine but we still need to thinking things through such as the location, the venue, flower arrangements and so on." Dwayne looks at me. "Our ceremony will be taking place early in the morning."

I look at him crazy, "What for?"

"It's part of my culture." He answers and I nod my head. "Before that I want us to take some time away so that you can get to know my culture and my family more."

I don't say anything as I cut my potatoes.

"In the time that we have been together, you haven't really spent any one on on one time with anybody from my family." Dwayne continues. "You only met my mother at our engagement but you still haven't met my father and spent some time alone with my eldest daughter."

"I'll do it if it makes you happy." I tell him and Dwayne sighs.

"It has to make you happy too."

We continue to talk about our families and moments like these really make me wish that my father was here to meet Dwayne. I'm sure that they would have gotten on well, hell my dad would have loved him.

"Are you planning to go back to work anytime soon?" Dwayne asks and I shake my head.

"Not for another few months."

"Understandable but what happens when you start to work?" I raise a brow at him. "The Instagram modelling, club promoting and LuCage. What happens next?"

Since having my daughter, I have had to do a lot of thinking about my career.

"The last time that I spoke to Mya, I let it be known that I will be relaunching LuCage without her." Dwayne nods his head. "I won't be doing anymore club promotions, I just don't feel the need for it but the instagram content that are scheduled to post will go on as usual. I definitely will cut down on the type of pictures that I share with the internet but I do get a steady income from instagram."

"I'm not about to tell you what to do but at some point, I would appreciate if you didn't post the nudes." 

"I know, D." I smile at my future husband. "I know." 

"I can't wait until the six weeks are up." Dwayne groans before sipping from his wine. "It's been so long."

I give him a knowing look.

"Then you better keep yourself charged because tonight, I'm going to give you my all."

Dwayne looks at me confused but I turn back to my food. I met with the doctor earlier this week and they have actually allowed me to do some physical activity but nothing too heavy. If Dwayne lets me take control, we are going to fucking every night.

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