Chapter 55

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CageTwins: Wedding Ready 

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CageTwins: Wedding Ready 

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Dwayne and I wanted to spend our last day as a couple together rather than apart. I will be getting ready for our wedding in less than twenty four hours which is insane to think considering that I was undesired for many years.

The lifestyle that I shared with Mya had people referring to us as instagram hoes, we were never viewed as wifey material due to our sexual content. I never imagined building a whole life with Dwayne when we first met because I wasn't much of anything whereas he was an established actor, wrestler and businessman.

We went from hooking up to getting into a relationship, having a child, working together as business partners and tomorrow we will be a married couple. The years have seemingly gone by fast as we have rebuilt ourselves in this crazy world and I could not be happier to see how my life has played out.

"Did you ever think that we would end up like this?" I ask Dwayne who is laying by my side and he turns to look at me with a soft smile on his face.

"No." He shakes his head. "I never thought that i would fall in love or even get married again after my divorce."

I give his hand a small squeeze.

"The divorce may have been a decade ago but it was traumatising. I grew up being surrounded  by broken marriages so when I took the step to marry my first love, I thought that I would break that curse... but I didn't." His voice cracks slightly and he clears his throat. "I became another statistic so I put my all into building my career in hopes that would make up for the love that I once craved so much. The career that I built became my entire being but I would be lying if I said that I didn't seek companionship or longed for the presence of a woman."

"Nobody could do it alone."

"Our first conversation at the airport wasn't the most exciting or memorable but I remember how I felt in that moment." Dwayne kisses my head. "You spoke to me like I was a regular person, you saw me for who I was rather than the legendary, semi retired but still employ-"

I cut him off with a laugh, "Stop bragging."


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