Chapter 8

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Posted 4 hours ago

CageTwins: B.A.D 

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"I can't believe that we are doing this." I say to Mya as we get out of the car.

"It's a normal things that people do." She gives me a weird look. "We are just going to see our mom."

"We're going to see Lil Kim." I correct her. "We didn't grow up with a mother, remember."

She kisses her teeth at me.

"You better give her a chance." Mya hisses. "I am not going to sacrifice my relationship with mom because you want to be a petty little bitch."

"Let's get this straight." I get in her face. "This woman did not raise us. She let dad keep us because she chose her rap career instead and when dad died..."

I scrunch up my face as my voice break as I think of my dad.

"Shit." I curse as I ball up my fists. "When dad died, she still didn't come for us or step up to the plate. She came for the funeral and then she left, she went back on tour instead of checking in on us."

"Don't you think I know that." I turn to look at Mya. "I am pissed as hell because she had the opportunity to be a mother and she chose not too."

"Then why are we here?" I tiredly ask.

"Because she is the only one that we have." Mya puts her hand on my shoulder. "Do this for me because I have a feeling that you need closure too. I am willing to build something because she is still alive, I hope you are too."

I kiss my teeth as I push her hand off me before I make my way over to the luxurious LA apartments that quite a few celebrities stay at. Hell I didn't even know that Lil Kim had a place here.

"She recently moved in here so that she could be close to us." Mya says as as she catches up to me.

I watch as Mya unlocks the door with a key and I can't help but feel betrayed.

"Momma, we here." Mya calls out as I slam the door shut.

I watch as Lil Kim walks down the stairs, smiling as she locks eyes with us. I keep my face blank as she pulls Mya in for a hug and a kiss. She turns to me but I take a step back and her face falls.

"You girls look good." She comments.

 "Yeah, I know

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 "Yeah, I know." I hastily respond as I do a cute twirl. 

"It's from our fashion line, LuCage." Mya says with a big smile as she does a twirl.

"It's beautiful."

I bite my tongue knowing that I'm about to make a reference to my dad.

"I saw that you guys are planning to collaborate with Balmain, that's really dope." Lil Kim says as she leads us towards her living room which is beautiful.

" Lil Kim says as she leads us towards her living room which is beautiful

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"Nya." I turn to look at Lil Kim who looks remorseful. "Baby girl, I just want to apologise for not being in your life."

"Ok." I give her a blank look.

"I'm really sorry and I do want a relationship with you but you have to let me in. Nya, you need to allow me to be a mom." I close one eye while looking at her.


"I love you so much and I'm sorry that I argued with you at the party and I'm sorry for not understanding you or your pain." She walks over to me, standing right infront of me. "I'm sorry, Nya. Can you find it in your heart to forgive me?"

"Ok." I look away from her.

"Really?" Her tone is hopeful but I shake my head.

"No." I mutter as the memories of the past flashes through my eyes. "I can't forgive you."

"Nya." Mya hisses but I begin to back away.

"I can't forgive you yet."


"What do you think I should do?" I ask Dwayne as we leans besides his jeep.

"About what?"

I kiss my teeth at him, "My mom."

"Look babe, that's up to you." He says as he pulls up my trousers which are slightly riding down. 

I slap his hands away

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I slap his hands away.

"Where we finna eat?" I change the conversation since it ain't going nowhere and clearly, he is over the topic.

"Where you wanna eat?" He asks and I roll my eyes before taking in his appearance.

"Why do you look like that?" I ask him.

"I was filming Ballers." He explains and I nod my head as we get in his jeep. "Do you think that you and your twin can live without eachother?"

I look at him weirdly before looking down at my phone. "What do you mean?"

"I know that you guys recently moved in at your new place but do you think that you can move out?" I scrunch up my face as I scroll through Instagram.

"And move where?" I shake my head, "Why are you asking me that?"

"Move in with me." 

I pause for a moment.

"It doesn't have to be now since I'm going away to film Hobbs and Shaw soon but when I get back, if you're down for it." He gives me a quick glance and I feel conflicted.

Moving out and leaving Mya alone is a scary thought. I have never thought about us living separately, she would hate me if I left her.

"Nya." I look ay Dwayne but no words come out of my mouth. "Will you move in with me when I come back?"

"I h-have to talk to Mya about it." I say before pressing a few buttons on his radio, a few seconds later the music begins to play. 

What the fuck?

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