Chapter 37

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TheRock: The real birthday present

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TheRock: The real birthday present

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"I miss you." I tear up as I look at my twin sister who is holding my daughter in my arms. Everything about this moment feels so wrong but right. My twin needed to meet my daughter but she also needed to be out there in the world with her baby.

I know that she feels sometime type of way seeing as she aborted her child with Ryder. It's still crazy to think that we were both pregnant at the same time but we just didn't know it. 

"I miss you too." She looks up at me with a sad smile on her face. "Don't cry now, save the tears for the later. I don't want us missing out on anytime together."

"Ok." I sniffle. "How are they treating you here?"

"I can't complain." Mya lifts Tiana to her chest. "I've almost served half of my sentence so it's just about staying strong for the remaineder of the time."

"Are the girls nice?"

"They're fine." Mya shrugs. "A few of them can be quite crazy or emotional at times but I'm not in the same place as the violent people."

"You really need to change your ways when you come out." I sigh as I take my daughter from her arms. "Have you spoken to Ryder?"

"My lawyer gave me a message from him..." Mya looks at the ground and I stare her down. "He apologised and wants us to reconcile when we get out."

There are a million things that I want to shout out but I choose not to as I cuddle my daughter as she slowly starts to wake up.

"Are you?"

"I'm still thinking about it." Mya looks at me. "This may be a bad situation that we are in but Ryder genuinely is a good guy."

I just feel as if we are going backwards so instead of pressing on the topic, I decide to catch her up to date on life. I will be relaunching LuCage without but it's something that still very much belongs to us.

We spend the next two hours catching up and enjoying eachothers presence. Tiana got to see her aunt in the flesh for the very first time and she was definitely a character about seeing her mommy's twin.


"How are you feeling after seeing your sister?" Dwayne asks as I breastfeed our daughter. 

"I feel happy knowing that she is ok." I smile as I look down at my daughter. "It just hurts knowing that it is going to be a while before I see her again. Tiana will be one by the time she is let, she'll miss out on the first word and steps."

"Atleast you got to see her." Dwayne kisses the side of my face as he rubs my back.

" Dwayne kisses the side of my face as he rubs my back

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"She doesn't want me visiting her anymore." The tears slide down my face. "Mya told me that this was the first and last time."

"Nya." Dwayne rests his forehead against mine as I cry. 

"I'm alright."

We don't speak for a few minutes as we watch our daughter slowly fall asleep with my nipple in her mouth. Once she is fully asleep, I pull my nipple out of her mouth before walking over to her crib.

Dwayne follows me over to the crib where I set our sleeping daughter.

"Your mother called again." Dwayne breaks the silence and I roll my eyes. "She's desperate to see Tiana. She also got on my case about you not inviting her to the party since everybody got to meet her grandchild before her."

"What has she done since Tia was born?" I turn around to face him. "She sent me Goddamn text, she didn't send me flowers or gifts for her grandchild."

As I go to catch my breath, the doorbell rings and I look up at my partner.

"Did you invite anybody?"

"Nope." Dwayne shakes his head as he starts to make his way out of the living room. I follow closely behind him because I want to know who the hell interrupted our talk.

I don't even bother forcing a smile as Dwayne opens the door to unveil my mother who is standing there with a bunch off boxes around her.

"Hey y'all." Lil Kim smiles at us. "I know that I did not bring you any gifts yet but all for good reason, I wanted to bring everything in person so Dwayne help me out with all of these gifts."

Dwayne gives me a look before smiling at my mother as he picks up most of the boxes as if they weigh nothing

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Dwayne gives me a look before smiling at my mother as he picks up most of the boxes as if they weigh nothing.

"You look beautiful, Nya." Lil Kim hands me a jewelry box and I look down at it for a moment. "I was shopping for the perfect gift and I stumbled upon these gorgeous earrings, I couldn't resist."

I don't want to discredit her effort but I couldn't help but feel bad for speaking ill of her. A tear slides down my face as I wrap my arms around her. I hear her let out a small chuckle as she pats my back.

"I'm here now." My mother tells me as she gives me a squeeze before pulling away. "I haven't always been there but I'm here now. I know that you have been avoiding us seeing eachother but we both have to grow together. Changes need to happen."

"I know." I wipe my tear away before setting the box aside. 

Dwayne shuts the door after he has carried all the boxes into the living room.

"Now let me meet that grand-baby of mine." My mother slips her arm through mine and I lead her into the living room where Nya is still sleeping. I hear a small gasp leave my mother's lips as she looks down at my daughter.

"Here is Tiana." Dwayne smiles as he picks our daughter up, I pull out my phone to document the moment as he hands Tiana over to her grandmother.

"Oh my..." She pauses as she looks up at us. "She's perfect."

As much as I didn't want my mother here, I'm actually glad that she is here. There aren't many people in the family from my side so having one extra person here will be something for Tiana.

One thing that I realise is that the mother that you grow up with will not be the grandmother that your children will experience.

Lil Kim may have abandoned me for her career but I can see that she will be here for my daughter and that counts for something, I guess.

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