Chapter 1: Hidden Delights

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Edward sat in the parlor of Oswald's manor alone, he was waiting for him. Oswald had been having doctor's appointment after doctor's appointment for the past few months due to his eye. He was trying to get it repaired and a few weeks ago Oswald had his last appointment but today the bandages were coming off so Edward waited for him. Finally Oswald walked out with a nervous look on his face. "How does it look?" Asked Oswald soft tone as he gripped the penguin that sat a top his cane. Edward looked him up and down then into his eyes. Edward stood and walked over to him.
"I think you look fine Oswald." Said Edward with a smile as Oswald grinned.
"Thank you Ed." He said while grinning widely at Edward's kindness. Edward felt a warm and fuzzy feeling inside seeing Oswald smile so happily at something he said but he wasn't quite sure why he felt this way. "Well I have a very busy day ahead of me, regaining my empire." Said Oswald with a smile as he tapped his cane on the ground.
"Well I should get going then." Stated Edward as he walked passed Oswald but he grabbed Edward's arm.
"Ed, why don't you spend the day with me?" Requested Oswald with a soft tone as Edward smiled.
"Oswald, is that a note of care in your voice?" Asked Edward with a sly tone as Oswald sighed.
"Like I've stated before you're the only person in Gotham I trust and now that I have to rebuild my empire once again, I want the whole city to know that if they mess with you they'll have the full force of my empire to deal with." Stated Oswald as he looked deep into Edward's eyes showing that he meant what he said.
"Well I don't have anything else to do today so I would love to spend the day with you Oswald." Stated Edward with a grin as it was obvious he was lying through his teeth just so he had an excuse to hang out with him but Oswald didn't want to point it out as he could tell Edward was only lying to look like he didn't care as much as he did about Oswald. "So Oswald how did they fix your eye?" Asked Edward as Oswald sighed.
"From what they said there was no way to fix it so I got a glass one." Stated Oswald as he smiled.
"So what's step one on gaining your power back in Gotham?" Asked Edward as Oswald gained a smug look on his face.
"I'm glad you asked. Step one is fear." Stated Oswald as he walked. "Scare anyone I can into following me and those who challenge my authority are made an example of." Said Oswald with a grin.

They spent that day regaining Oswald's power and eventually it grew late so Oswald and Edward sat in the parlor talking. "Do you ever miss it?" Asked Oswald as he sat with Edward.
"Miss what?" Asked Edward as he grinned at Oswald.
"Do you ever miss being normal?" Asked Oswald as he sipped his glass of wine.
"I've never been normal Oswald." Stated Edward as he laughed at the thought.
"You know what I mean." Said Oswald softly.
"Honestly no. Before I killed Officer Dougherty everyone thought I was a weird freak." Growled Edward. "Well except Gordon for whatever reason. He once told me before I started killing people he thought of me as a friend but that was after the first time I tried to kill you so I told him that friends weren't worth much." Muttered Edward as Oswald looked at him.
"Did you regret trying to kill me?" Asked Oswald as he set the glass down on the table in front of them.
"After that I started taking hallucinogenic drugs just to see you, though my hallucination of you looked like you had crawled out of the river so does that answer your question?" Asked Edward as he looked over at him.
"So what kind of stuff did you hallucinate?" Asked Oswald softly.
"If I told you, you'd laugh at me." Said Edward as he chuckled.
"I promise I won't." Said Oswald as he placed his hand on Edward's so Edward sighed.
"Well you'd make fun of me." Said Edward as he looked at Oswald who smiled.
"Care to elaborate?" Asked Oswald softly.
"Well the hallucinations felt real enough to me so if my hallucination of you appeared on the couch I'd yell at you for dripping on the couch but you would remind me that you were a drug induced figment of my imagination." Stated Edward as Oswald choked down a laugh and took a deep breath.
"Anything else?" Asked Oswald softly as Edward ran his fingers through his hair.
"Ok this one really stuck with me because my hallucination of you was trying to prove a point to me that I think I still have yet to understand." Stated Edward as he hung his head. "You broke into song and it was very seductive." Muttered Edward as Oswald burst put laughed.
"You're imagination is really something to behold." Stated Oswald through fits of laughter but he soon realized Edward looked embarrassed to tell him that. "Well I guess I'll even the playing field." Stated Oswald as he took his glass from the table downed it and took a breath preparing himself for the same embarrassment. "The night I opened the Iceberg Lounge when you were still it's center piece I was sprayed with Fear Toxin and you know how that stuff shows you your worst fear?" Asked Oswald as Edward nodded. "Well apparently, my worst fear is you." Said Oswald as he started to feel a little vulnerable.
"Oswald...." Muttered Edward as Oswald looked over at him.
"Yes?" Asked Oswald as he and Edward locked eyes.
"I love you." He muttered out as Oswald gasped.
"Edward, I say this in a factual manor and in no way am I trying to hurt you but you killed the feelings I had for you a long time ago." Said Oswald softly trying hard not to hurt Ed in anyway.
"I see." Stated Edward as he stood and grabbed his jacket from the back of the couch.
"Ed." Said Oswald in a remorseful tone as he stood placing his hand on Edward's chest. "I'm not trying to hurt you, you know that right?" Asked Oswald as he looked up at Edward with tears in his eyes because it hurt him to see Edward in so much pain.
"It's only fair for you to reject me Oswald. I rejected you first." Said Edward as he put on his jacket and left Oswald there in the parlor.

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