Chapter 26: Hurtful

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It's been about three years since Oswald and Ed lost their second child and they were feeling better about it. One evening they sat in the parlor, Oswald was drinking a glass of scotch and Edward was sitting at the table across the room tinkering with something. Suddenly Daniel walked in with a big smile on his face. "What's that?" Asked Oswald as he pointed at the small bag in Daniel's hand, it had the logo of a local jewelry store on it. That jewelry store was one that Oswald had shown Daniel and Daniel often ordered custom gifts for his girlfriend so Oswald assumed that was what Daniel was holding.
"This? Nothing. Nothing at all." Said Daniel nervously as he rushed up the stairs.
"What was that about?" Asked Edward as he was only barely paying attention.
"I don't know." Said Oswald softly.

Later that night Oswald and Edward went down to the Iceberg Lounge and Daniel tagged along as it was a work night for him. Daniel played piano for most of the night until Sarah came in. Oswald rolled his eyes as he continued playing cards and scamming these guys out of their hard earned cash. Edward stood next to him watching him play. "Sorry gentlemen looks like I've won again." Said Oswald with a smile as he placed down his cards and swept up all the chips on the table. He laughed as all the men walked away.
"Oswald, you don't have to cheat." Stated Edward as Oswald leaned back.
"It's all about the reputation Edward, if I didn't win then someone would actually think they could beat me." Said Oswald as he pulled out a cigar but Ed took it from him so Oswald sighed and crossed his arms. Suddenly Daniel walked over.
"Hey Oswald, I'm gonna head out. I've got a big surprise for Sarah." Said Daniel with a soft kind of smile.
"Alright, where are you going for the in surprise?" Asked Oswald as he started counting his poker chips.
"Wayne International Plaza, it's really pretty this time of night, I think she'd really like it." Said Daniel as he slid on his jacket then started searching his pockets. "Where are my keys?" He asked to himself as Sarah walked over holding them.
"You left them on your piano, you should really watch where you put these things." Said Sarah as Daniel took the keys from her.
"I've been telling him that for years." Said Oswald as he continued counting chips.

The couple left and about ten minutes went by and Joked barged his way in demanding to know where his daughter went and because he attacked Ed, Oswald told him where they were. After that Edward sat in Oswald's office as Oswald bandaged up his hand which Joker had stabbed. "I can't believe you sold out our son." Said Edward bitterly.
"I didn't sell him out! As long as that girl is with him he's safe, she won't let Joker hurt him. "How does that feel?" Asked Oswald as Edward opened and closed his hand.
"Better." Said Edward as Oswald stood and went to his desk. Oswald then grabbed a bottle of pain killers from his desk and gave it to Ed.
"These will help too." Said Oswald as Ed opened the bottle.
"I just hope Daniel's armed so he actually has a chance at taking that psycho out." Said Edward as he took two painkillers.
"If he did we'd have a whole new problem on our hands." Said Oswald as he sighed sitting next to Ed.
"What do you mean?" Asked Edward as he looked at Oswald.
"Well that girlfriend of his may love him but there's no way in hell she'd still love Daniel if he killed her father." Said Oswald as Ed sighed.
"And Daniel would never recover from that." Said Edward as he knew that Daniel loved that girl more than a lot of things and if she asked him too he'd die for her.

Later that night Daniel came home not looking too pleased with the night's events but he didn't want to talk about it. He never did want to talk about how he felt unless it was to Sarah, she seemed to be the only one who could pry at him and not get lashed out at. It was odd really, the only person Daniel trusted with his emotions was a girl that had appeared out of nowhere and would probably disappear just as quickly if someone didn't stop her from leaving.

The next day both Ed and Oswald at least asked him what was wrong but he didn't even acknowledge that he was upset the previous night. Once again they were all at the Iceberg Lounge though it was closed at this time so it was completely empty besides Oswald and Ed on the casino floor, Oswald was counting the cash from last night and Edward was watching over his shoulder occasionally saying incorrect numbers to make him lose count. "Seven, twelve, eighteen." Ed started to say as Oswald lost count again then looked over at Edward you looked very smug.
"Ed just because we're married doesn't mean I won't shoot you." Said Oswald as Edward grinned.
"I love you too." Said Edward as he kissed Oswald softly.
"Just stop it's starting to get on my nerves." Requested Oswald as he hand his hand on Ed's lapel.
"Ok, I'll stop but I just love making you mad." Teased Ed with a flirtatious grin.
"Do you have anything else you could be doing?" Asked Oswald as Edward smiled.
"No not really, I guess you're just stuck with me." Said Ed with a smug look as Oswald sighed.
"Well if I stuck with you could you help me instead of working against me?" Asked Oswald as he and Ed both went back to counting. Suddenly the door to the Iceberg Lounge opened and Ed looked over seeing it was Sarah but Oswald didn't even need to look to know it was her. "Go out." Said Oswald firmly as Sarah walked over.
"Oswald!" Said Edward as he actually liked Sarah she kept Daniel happy and out of any serious trouble and that was truly all he wanted for Daniel.
"Look at your hand you shouldn't need another reason to keep her far away from here!" Said Oswald as Edward looked down at his injury caused by Joker last night but Sarah sighed and interrupted his thoughts.
"Well this will be the last time you'll ever see me again." Said Sarah as both men were very suspicious of that statement.
"Why?" Asked Oswald in a suspicious tone.
"Because I'm breaking up with Daniel." Said Sarah as both of them became worried about that statement.
"You can't!" Said Edward as he leapt out of his seat and grabbed Sarah's shoulders but immediately let go realizing that that's both incredibly awkward and her Father would probably finish what he started last night. "If you break up with Daniel he might do something drastic!" Said Edward as he was really worried about how Daniel would take rejection since Edward didn't deal with it all too well with Kristen Kringle.
"Well I don't know how else I can turn down his proposal." Said Sarah as Edward kinda stop breathing for second at the thought of his son marrying the daughter of a psychopath who has threatened his life on multiple occasions.
"Daniel proposed to you?" Asked Oswald completely in denial.
"Yes I did and you'll both stay out of it!" Barked Daniel as he walked over to Sarah but both of his fathers were still completely stunned by his actions. "Come on Sarah let's talk somewhere private." Said Daniel as he drug Sarah out of the room.

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