Chapter 18: Old Memories and Even Older Friends

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Daniel wandered through his old home, now abandoned left collecting dust, showing Sarah everything about it. "You had you're own bedroom?" Asked Sarah as Daniel nodded.
"Well yeah, Dad didn't really need a bed since he kind crashed wherever." Muttered Daniel as he ran his fingers over the thick sharpie letters on the center of the door.
"Did you like living here?" Asked Sarah as Daniel sighed.
"Well I had to, I didn't know anything else." Stated Daniel as he twisted the door knob to his bedroom opening the door. They walked inside and the room was just as he left it but now it felt much smaller, more like a cage really. He started looking at everything until he realized Sarah wasn't behind him. He went back through the door and wandered out into the large he space he had often called his father's work space and saw a large beastly man holding Sarah covering her mouth. "Who the hell are you?!" Barked Daniel as he reaches for his gun but the man seemed to recognize the action.
"Slow down kid I'm just here to see Ed!" Said the man as Daniel gripped his gun but didn't pull it from his holster.
"Well he's not here!" Growled Daniel. "So if you wanna keep your head I'd suggest letting go of my girlfriend!" Barked Daniel as the man let go of Sarah. She walked over to Daniel covering her mouth. "Hey you ok?" Asked Daniel softly as she nodded.
"Yeah he just smells like death." Said Sarah as the guy chuckled.
"Yeah about a decade in Slaughter Swamp will do that to ya." Muttered the man as he stepped into the light, his skin was bleached white and he looked like he had just crawled into out of Slaughter Swamp.
"You said you were looking for Ed why?" Asked Daniel as he lowered his hand and just stared at the man.
"I'm an old friend." Stated the man coldly making Daniel feel that that was not the truth.
"I'm the one with the gun so why don't you try not lying to me." Stated Daniel as the man sighed.
"Fine. I'm looking for Ed cause he probably knows where Oswald Cobblepot is and last time I checked he killed me so I'm looking for a little pay back." Stated the man as Daniel grinned.
"Well Ed's in Arkham and there's no way in hell I'm letting you murder my boss so-" Daniel stated as he pulled out his gun and shot him three times in the chest but nothing happened and he just oozed out this disgusting smelling stuff through the bullet holes.
"Well then you and I are gonna have a problem." Stated the man as he walked closer to Daniel and grabbed Sarah by her throat. "Now here's the deal, if you want your pretty little girlfriend here to keep her head, you'll bring me to Oswald." Said the man as Daniel put his gun away and nodded.
"Ok just put her down." Said Daniel as they all then left the apartment then piled in Daniel's car.

Daniel drove all the way to the manor and the man got out first. "Just stay in here ok? This is gonna get kinda messy." Said Daniel as he held her hand.
"You don't have to do this! I'm particularly a fan of The Penguin but I know you admire him so why are you-"
"Don't worry Sarah I have a plan." Said Daniel as he had put his finger to her lips. Daniel got out of the car and walked in with the man. As soon as Oswald saw the man he ran, so he definitely knew him. The man charged after Oswald gripping him by the throat and pushing him into a wall.
"You bastard you said you'd fix me!" Growled the man as Oswald struggled to respond.
"I did you were fixed!" Said Oswald as the man growled.
"Yeah well you killed me and they dumped in that damn swamp again so you're gonna have to fix me again!" Growled the man as the two "talked" Daniel was rushing into the gun safe to grab a tranquilizer gun. He rushed back into the room and shot the man with four darts straight in the neck. Though that seemed to just piss him off further. Daniel fired off a few more rounds before he became within arms length of Daniel but he was pumped full of enough tranquilizer to drop Croc on his ass so he was starting to feel it, then swiftly he dropped to the floor. Oswald  waved his hand telling Daniel to go over to him. Daniel stepped around him and walked to Oswald, who then proceeded to grab Daniel the lapel of his jacket bringing him closer and to his level as their height difference was larger than either one would like to admit.
"Why did you bring him here?" Asked Oswald calmly but still frustrated.
"He was gonna kill Sarah if I didn't." Said Daniel as Oswald didn't seem to like that answer.
"So my life is worthless in comparison to your girlfriend, got it." Hissed Oswald as he let go of him and walked off.
"That's not what I did!" Said Daniel as Oswald scoffed.
"Really you expect me to believe that!" Said Oswald as Daniel clenched his fists.
"I weighed my options, you can defend yourself, she can't." Said Daniel as Oswald sighed.
"That's seems obviously true, but if you knew who that man was you would not have taken him anywhere near this house!" Barked Oswald as Daniel sighed.
"Well who the hell is he anyway!" Demanded Daniel as Oswald sighed and looked over the man knowing their past and actually felt a little guilty.
"His name is Butch and I don't know if I could ever call him a friend after everything we've done to each other." Muttered Oswald as he sighed. "Well get out here, I'll have someone take of this." Said Oswald as Daniel set down the gun and left. Oswald stood there staring at Butch. "Why did you have come back, Butch everything was fine with you being dead." Said Oswald but he knew he wasn't upset over the fact that Butch was alive or even that Daniel had brought him here, truly he was upset with himself. He got so mad at Daniel and he couldn't stand that he behaved that way towards his own son. Suddenly he heard the clock in hall chime at the hour, he saw it was noon. "Damn it! I'm gonna be late and Ed is going to be pissed!" He muttered as he shook his head and went upstairs to grab a few things then left.

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