Chapter 20: Problems

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Daniel stood in his room standing close to the window smoking a joint. He lit the end of the joint with a gold plated flip lighter with an umbrella symbol carved on it to signify it belonged to Oswald. Lucky for Daniel Oswald had given it to him one night after a particularly stressful evening. Oswald had kidnapped a cop who was working for him but the cop demanded more of a pay to keep his mouth shut about all of the illegal things Oswald was doing so Oswald decided to teach him some manners. Oswald had also thought this could be an excellent teaching tool for Daniel as to learn the true nature of criminal work in Gotham and after Daniel watched that man get tortured beyond repair Oswald let him kill the man in cold blood. Oswald had then used this exact lighter to light his cigar after Daniel committed the murder which was his first. Oswald had given him the lighter as a sign of trust and Daniel remembered the exact words Oswald said after giving him. "Use it to smoke and I will have you shot by the river!" Stated Oswald and those words often echoed in Daniel's mind when he lit up a joint but those words often faded after a few puffs. He often knew Oswald's mind probably went to cigarettes but Daniel took comfort in something a little less harmful. Daniel had only gotten into smoking weed because of the stress of his life though he hadn't been needing it much since he started dating Sarah but there were still some nights he just couldn't take it. Most of those nights where stress over took him was when Edward was home.

So there he stood inhaling deeply then suddenly he heard a knock at his bedroom door. He blew smoke out the window and tapped the joint against the window seal putting it out. "Just a second!" Called Daniel as he slid the joint in his pocket to use it later. "Come in!" Called Daniel as he shut his window to cover the dark black burn spot on the window seal. Suddenly Edward walked in and closed the door. He walked over to Daniel standing close to him and pulled the joint from Daniel's jacket pocket.
"Daniel we lived in the Narrows for eleven years, I know what marijuana smells like." Stated Edward as Daniel threw up his arms.
"Well Dad ya caught me! What are you gonna do to me?" Asked Daniel as Edward put the joint back in his son's pocket.
"Absolutely nothing though if Oswald had walked in and not me you could've fooled him but that would've only made him more upset with you later when he finds out." Stated Edward as Daniel scowled.
"What's your point Ed?" Asked Daniel as he only ever used Edward's name when he was upset with his father.
"My point is don't let Oswald find out or I'm certain he'll kill you himself." Stated Edward as he took a breath and covered his nose. "And maybe light a candle cause I could smell that stuff down the hall and Oswald's bedroom is right across the hall." Stated Edward as Daniel sighed.
"I think I'll just go outside." Stated Daniel as he hung his head.
"Alright then I'll leave you to it, but just one question." Stated Edward as Daniel looked up.
"What?" Asked Daniel softly.
"Why do you need that?" Asked Edward as Daniel sighed.
"Stress, anxiety, other stuff." Muttered Daniel.
"What kind of other stuff?" Asked Edward as Daniel sighed and rubbed the back of his head.
"Dad do you ever...see things?" Asked Daniel.
"What kind of things?" Asked Edward as he sat on the edge of Daniel's bed.
"Scary things Dad, things you can't explain." Said Daniel as he sat next to his father.
"Like what?" Asked Edward as Daniel took a breath.
"Like monsters... Horrible terrible monsters in the dark, stalking, waiting for you to slip up just so they can destroy you." Muttered Daniel. "God why am I telling you this it's not like you're ever gonna believe me!" Said Daniel as he rubbed the back of his head.
"No, Daniel I believe you." Said Edward as he held Daniel's hand for a brief second but when the boy noticed he immediately let go of him. "I know you hate the idea of you and I having anything in common but I'm afraid this is something you inherited from me." Stated Edward as Daniel looked at him.
"Really so why didn't you believe me when I told you about the monsters before?" Asked Daniel as Edward looked confused. "When I was 6 and said there was a monster in my closet, it's not in my closet anymore it's around every god damn corner!" Growled Daniel as Edward sighed.
"I just thought you were being a kid I had no idea it would get this bad." Said Edward as he again held Daniel's hand but this time he held onto it. "I'm so sorry Daniel, could you ever forgive me?" Begged Edward as Daniel sighed.
"Damn I'm so high I'm actually considering it. Just know that if I'm ever being nice to you it's because I'm high not because I'm reconsidering hating you." Stated Daniel as Edward nodded.
"I'll take what I can get with you." Stated Edward as he stood. "Alright I'll leave you then." Stated Edward as he wandered out of the room. Daniel then went downstairs and out into the backyard to finish his joint.

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