Chapter 3: Maximum Security or Long Distance

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Oswald was shipped off to Blackgate though as soon as Edward was no longer in need of surgery he was carted off to Arkham but still kept in the Infirmary for further observation. So there Edward sat all alone in the Infirmary, at least it was quiet compared to the rest of the Asylum. He closed his eyes trying to sleep, hoping he would dream of Oswald but suddenly he heard footsteps coming closer to him. He opened his eyes and saw a young man in a lab coat, he looked kind which made Edward wonder if he was naive or hiding something, possibly both. He walked over and pulled a chair up next to Edward. "Good afternoon Mister Nygma, my name is Dr. Malcolm Chace I'm you new psychiatrist." Stated the young man with a kind smile as Edward rolled his eyes.
"I'm sorry you're my what?" Asked Edward as he didn't really grasp the concept that he had his own psychiatrist.
"I understand this is going to be hard for you given the examples of Hugo Strange's form of therapy but Arkham has decided to use more of a modern method of therapy. I'm sure if you just cooperate for now you'll find it to be of better use to you than Strange's version of therapy." Stated Malcom as he took a pen from his pocket and clicked it.
"I highly doubt it but whatever I'll comply for now." Muttered Edward as he sat up carefully as he was still in pain from the gunshots.
"I've heard you have a fondness for riddles and games." Stated Malcolm as Edward grinned.
"What did you have in mind Doctor?" Asked Edward in a cunning tone.
"Well, if I answer one of your riddles correctly, you answer one of my questions honestly." Stated Malcolm as Edward stared at him still with that smug grin spread across his face.
"And when you lose?" Asked Edward.
"I owe you a favor." Stated Malcolm as Edward laughed.
"That's a very dangerous game you're playing Doctor but fine I'll play." Said Edward with a grin knowing he wouldn't lose. "What can go up a chimney when down but never go down when it is up?" Asked Edward with a grin as Malcolm took a second to think about it then shrugged.
"I have no idea." He said as Edward grinned at his own brilliance.
"The answer was an umbrella, Doctor." Said Edward with a grin as Malcolm clicked his pen twice and wrote something down on a clipboard.
"Now tell me is there any correlation in your mind between the answer to your riddle and the fact that the Penguin often uses an umbrella in his decor?" Asked Malcolm as Edward lost his grin and glared at the doctor.
"Of course not! Oswald is-! He and I are-! Dammit!" He muttered unable to defend his choice in riddles because truly he missed Oswald terribly so he must've slipped up and given Malcolm a hint to his inner self.
"You should be careful what you say around a psychiatrist, we analyze everything we hear whether we want to or not." Said Malcolm with a chuckle as Edward shifted and slightly groaned in pain.
"Surprisingly I understand that." Muttered Edward as he sighed. "Are you ready for another riddle?" Asked Edward sternly as Malcolm nodded. "What can fly but has no wings?" Stated Edward as he held his side showing Malcolm he was in pain.
"Are you alright, Edward?" Asked Malcolm as he noticed there was a small spot of blood on his uniform that was growing larger.
"Just answer the riddle!" Barked Edward as he clutched the left side of his lower chest.
"You're bleeding!" Barked Malcolm sternly. "Nurse!" He called as Edward started to cough in turn he start to spit up his own blood. He coughed a bit more before passing out but awoke to see Malcolm again once more.
"Oh God what do you want?!" Barked Edward as he rolled over.
"I still owe you that favor." Stated Malcolm as Edward huffed.
"Actually you owe me two." Stated Edward as he held up his hand showing two fingers.
"Fine I owe you two so do have anything in mind?" Asked Malcolm as Edward thought about it.
"Actually yes." Stated Edward as he reached under his pillow taking out a crumpled piece of paper that had been folded over. "I need you to find a way to give this to Oswald Cobblepot in Blackgate." Stated Edward as he rolled over and handed Malcolm the piece of paper.
"Well you're lucky Edward tomorrow I'm scheduled to meet with Mister Cobblepot at Blackgate." Stated Malcolm as Edward had a worried look on his face.
"Why?" Asked Edward in a worried tone.
"Well he's been admitted to Arkham many times over and this is his first time incarcerated at Blackgate they just want a professional to analyze him and make sure that he's sane as he says." Stated Malcolm as Edward grinned feeling like he knew Oswald would fail a psychiatric evaluation. "Is something funny?" Asked Malcolm as Edward shook his head.
"Not funny just a pleasant thought." Stated Edward as he continued to think of Oswald joining him in the nut house, honestly he thought it would make their time here more enjoyable because at least they would be together.
"Would you care sharing?" Asked Malcolm as Edward sighed happily.
"There's no way in hell Oswald is going to pass a psych evaluation without getting thrown in here!" Laughed out Edward as he smiled.
"And you want him to be in here?" Asked Malcolm as he watched Edward closely but he didn't need to look that close because Edward had been given some heavy pain killers and was unable to hide the truth from anyone who asked.
"Of course, I want him here! One it would make the screams of the insane a little more bearable and two I'm certain Oswald would pull as many strings as he possibly could to become my cellmate so if we wanted we could never be apart." Said Edward with a loving grin on his face. "Why did I say that?" Asked Edward calmly as Malcolm grinned.
"Well the staff put you on some heavy pain killers so you are most likely incapable of lying to me right now." Stated Malcolm with a smile. "So tell me why do you want to share a cell with Mister Cobblepot?" Asked Malcolm as he quickly wrote down a few notes on what Edward had said.
"Because Oswald and I are what I can only describe as madly in love. God it's killing me not to be able to see him or hold him. Just being able to hear his voice would mean the world to me." Said Edward as he started to get emotional unable to control himself tears streaked down his face.
"I promise I'll give Oswald your letter, Edward. You seem to care a great deal for him." Stated Malcolm softly.
"I love him and I don't think I can live without him." Muttered Edward as he rolled over falling asleep.

Oswald was walked through the halls of Blackgate by two guards and into a small room. "Sit!" Barked a guard, Oswald just rolled his eyes and did as instructed. "Alright Doc, take your best shot." Muttered the guard as Oswald heard a man sigh.
"That's not what I'd call what I'm doing." Grumbled the man as he came in and sat down behind a desk. He was clearly much younger than Oswald so he was a little confused as he watched the man place a file on the metal desk.
"Why am I here?" Asked Oswald as the man smiled at him.
"Just a quick psych evaluation I won't take much of your time." Said the man as he opened the file. Oswald carefully watched him flip through the file.
"I'm sorry, who are you?" Asked Oswald as the man looked up from the file.
"I'm Dr. Malcolm Chace." He said like he was wasn't all there, like he had something else on his mind.
"Why am I here? I thought I was officially sane?" Asked Oswald in a snarky tone.
"Well this time they actually gave you a trial and the behavior you showed there made the jury disbelieve any remark that you were ever declared insane but you were never actually released a second time under legal standards." Stated Malcolm and as he talked he treated Oswald differently then Edward, he less kind and more direct like he had no interest in gaining Oswald's trust like he did Ed.
"What?" Asked Oswald not really understanding a word he said.
"The actions Hugo Strange preformed as 'therapy' we're actually illegal under hundreds of laws not just centered in Gotham. The way he treated you was not therapy it was torture and the second time you were admitted to Arkham there was no therapy administered. Honestly from what I'm seeing in your file, they didn't even examine your mind in any form! It's deplorable! The only thing I see in here from your second time sent to Arkham is one note that says 'let Valeska deal with this one' this is horrible to say the least." Muttered Malcolm as he closed the file.
"Malcolm was it? I don't see your point! Don't all Arkham patients get treated this way?" Asked Oswald as he was actually a little curious to know why this man had such an interest in the way he had been treated.
"Not anymore if I have anything to say about it! But my point is that due to Arkham's previously sloppy work, if you pass this psych evaluation it'll hopefully prove you were never insane at all and was just being tortured by the city by being sent there in the first place!" Said Malcolm as Oswald paused.
"Wait so if I pass this little test, I'll never have to go back to Arkham again?" Asked Oswald in a hopeful tone.
"Yes so long as you can pass it if and when you get arrested again." Stated Malcolm as he started to pat down his pockets in a panic finally pulling a wrinkled, folded piece of paper from his chest pocket in his lab coat.
"What's that?" Asked Oswald as he pointed at the paper.
"This is for you, from one of my patients at Arkham, from what he told me you two are quite fond of each other." Said Malcolm as he placed the note on the table.
"Why would Ed tell you anything about us?" Asked Oswald in a nervous tone.
"Well I sort of took advantage of his drug induced state. Don't worry he wasn't sedated, they were pain killers for the wounds he gained protecting you." Stated Malcolm as he slid the note over to Oswald so the Penguin quickly rushed to grab it. He opened it and read it.

Dear Oswald,
Honestly I thought the words would spill once I started writing but I have no words to describe how much I truly love you. I wanted to describe down to minuet detail but I can't. Just please know that I love you more than anything in the world and it hurts so much to be without you.
Your love, Edward Nygma

There was a part of the note that was crossed out but Oswald didn't seem to care. "It's a love note from Ed." Muttered Oswald as tears welled up in his eyes. He pressed the paper against his chest feeling tears drip from his eyes.
"I can tell you love him." Stated Malcolm as he smiled. "Well with those pleasant thoughts in mind, let's begin." Stated Malcom as he started preparing the actual test. Malcolm preformed the test and was sadly shocked by the results. "Mr. Cobblepot, I've found that you are completely sane on all counts." Stated Malcolm as Oswald looked at him shocked.
"What?" Asked Oswald as he too sounded disappointed.
"I'm sure you would've wanted to see Edward but with these results there is no way I can have you sent to Arkham." Stated Malcolm as Oswald sighed.
"I see, that's alright. I'm sure Edward will cope." Stated Oswald softly.

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