Chapter 14: Hide and Seek

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Daniel was sitting in his room writing on a notepad with his headphones on blasting Mozart. He was writing sheet music for a piano but suddenly he heard a faint knock at his bedroom door. He removed the headphones and looked at the door. "Dad?" Asked Daniel sternly.
"Yes." Stated Edward.
"What do you want?" Asked Daniel as Edward sighed.
"I wanted to talk with you." Said Edward as Daniel sighed.
"Enter." Daniel stated reluctantly as he set his notebook aside and turned off his music. He looked over at the door watching Edward open it.
"Look I know I promised that I'd let you go see Oswald today but something came up and so we can't go see him." Said Edward as Daniel scoffed.
"Yeah something always comes up!" Said Daniel as Edward glared at him.
"Daniel." Stated Edward hoping that he could avoid a fight with the boy.
"You keep promising things will get better and they never do! WHEN ARE THINGS GONNA GET BETTER DAD!?" Barked Daniel as Edward took a breath.
"We're not discussing this again!" Stated Edward firmly as he walked out of the room but Daniel followed him.
"What?! Is it really such a hard thing to understand that I don't want to be 30 and still living in this god forsaken basement being a recluse like you!" Barked Daniel. "So when are things gonna get better?! WHEN DAD?!" Barked Daniel as Edward just lost it.
"I DON'T KNOW!!" He screamed. "I just tell you that so I'll get a moment by myself!" Shouted Edward as he realized what he did. He saw the look of betrayal on his son's face seeing the tears form in his eyes. "Daniel wait I-!" He stammered out but Daniel turned away from him and hung his head. "Daniel I'm sorry." He said softly.
"Yeah you always are." Muttered the boy in a tearful tone as he wiped his tears and ran to his room. Daniel leaned against his door, tears streaming down his face. He slid down the door pressing his face into his knees screaming his frustrations away.

Hours passed, after the sounds of thudding and thrashing passed, Daniel's room became very quiet so Edward decided to check on him. He walked down the hall to end of it knocking at Daniel's door. "Hey buddy?" Asked Edward softly. "Look I know you probably don't want to even see me after what I said but why don't we go out and I'll show you around the city, let you hang out with some other kids for a change. How does that sound?" Asked Edward softly as he waited for Daniel's arrogant and witty response but there was none. "Daniel?" Asked Edward as he knocked at the door again. He started to panic when there was no response so he tried to open the door but it was locked so he pulled a lock pick from his back pocket and unlocked the door. The door swing open and there was no one inside but the small window above his desk was open. "DAMN BRAT! I'M GONNA KILL HIM!" Growled Edward as he stormed out grabbing his phone and dialing Oswald's number, luckily he picked up quick.
"Ed I thought you weren't coming today." Stated Oswald as Edward rushed to get his shoes tied while holding the phone between his ear and shoulder.
"Oswald have you seen Daniel?" Asked Edward.
"What happened?!" Demanded Oswald.
"I got into another fight with him and apparently I pissed him off enough to run away, I assumed his first stop was going to be the Iceberg Lounge." Stated Edward as he got his jacket on.
"Shouldn't you be worried about him getting lost in the city he's only been here once." Stated Oswald in a worried tone.
"Actually Oswald that's all it takes, kid's got an eidetic memory." Stated Edward as Oswald sighed. "It means he remembers the exact rout I took to get there and will never forget it." Stated Edward as he left. "I don't know how long he's been gone but it took us about a 30 minute walk to get to there and it's been an hour since he went to his room so if he's going to the lounge then he should be there within 10-15 minutes so call me when he gets there." Stated Edward.
"Of course!" Said Oswald in a worried tone.

While his parents panicked Daniel was having an even worse time by himself. He had gotten about half way to the Iceberg Lounge before he ran into trouble. Four boys probably around his age but much much larger than him walked over to him in an empty lot. Their faces were painted white with a bright red smile painted across their mouths. One boy had deep blue lines painted over his eye lids and down his cheeks, another had yellow dots painted under their eyes, the third had black diamonds painted on their cheeks, and the last had a black broken heart painted just under his right eye. "Hey kid, where ya going?" Asked the boy with the yellow dots as they circled around him. Daniel could tell their intentions were to cause him harm so he tried his hand at scaring them off.
"I'm off to see a good friend." Said Daniel proudly hoping they'd ask who and of course they fell for it.
"Oh yeah and who's that?" Asked the one with black diamonds.
"Oswald Cobblepot you may know him as the Penguin. Yeah he's a real good friend of mine and he'd probably have you shot and dumped in the river if you hurt so I'd back off if I were you." Stated Daniel in a cocky tone as the one with the heart stepped in front of him putting his hand on Daniel's shoulder.
"Well sorry to break it ya kid but we don't now to that birdie!" Said the kid as he crushed Daniel's shoulder.
"Yeah! Let's show this brat what happens to birdies on clown turf!" Barked one of them.
"Clown turf?" Questioned Daniel as he lost all confidence.
"Nighty Night!" Shouted a boy from behind him but before Daniel could even turn his head he felt the harsh touch of a metal bat against the back of his head.

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