Chapter 24: Bombs Away

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Oswald rolled over in bed and saw that he was lying there alone. He went downstairs and found Edward tinkering with something. "Ed?" Asked Oswald softly as he walked into the room and Edward looked over.
"Oh, hi Oswald." Said Edward as he briefly looked over but then quickly returned to his work.
"Ed, it's 4 in the morning, what are you doing?" Asked Oswald as he walked over and stood next to Edward.
"Building a bomb." Said Edward in such a casual tone.
"May I ask why?" Asked Oswald as Edward didn't respond he just continued working. "Ed?" Asked Oswald as he put his hand on Edward's shoulder but Edward just sighed and continued working. "Ed you can talk to me." Said Oswald just begged him to open up but Edward stopped grabbing a newspaper and setting it down in front of Oswald but just out of the way of his work. Oswald scanned his eyes over the paper finally landing on a small article just below the front page news.  Vicki Vale had written something about how after months of being on high alert Gotham should finally be at peace as it appeared to everyone else in Gotham that the Riddler must've been giving up torturing the city since all Ed has been doing for the past few months is spending time with Oswald and Daniel. Oswald realized that Ed must've felt challenged by this article so Oswald quickly put together Ed's thoughts without him having to say a word. "So you're going to blow up Vicki Vale?" Asked Oswald as Edward stopped and looked up at him with a grin.
"You know me so well!" Said Edward as he held Oswald's hands.
"Ed, you can't do this!" Said Oswald in a more concerned tone.
"Why not?! Things between me and Daniel aren't getting any better and you're the only one who comes to visit me in Arkham anyway." Said Edward as he turned back to his work letting go of Oswald.
"You sound like you're gonna try and get caught!" Said Oswald as Ed huffed.
"I always get caught whether I'm trying too or not!" Growled Edward as he sighed losing his aggressive tone. "Oswald I know you've been enjoying our time together trust me I have too just please let me do this." Begged Edward as Oswald sighed knowing he wouldn't be able to talk him out of it so Oswald sighed and went back to bed.

Eventually Edward left his work to go buy a few things at Gotham's most criminal outpost, a warehouse in the Narrows that sold anything a criminal could need to pull off a dastardly plan like this so Oswald decided to peak in on what he was doing. He found a pamphlet for a Wayne Enterprises Charity Gala, a laptop with Vicki Vale's social media open on it where she had posted something about attending the gala to have some one on one with Bruce Wayne, a 60 thousand volt dog shock collar that had started to be taken apart on the table, and Edward's cell phone. Oswald looked through it finding Edward's contacts list seeing his own name though put it affectionately as Ozzie, Daniel's though instead just titled Son, a few random contacts of names he vaguely recognized as other criminals Edward often used for assistance, and finally a new contact that had been put in which read Bomb's Away. Oswald tried to leave things as untouched as he could because he was certain that Edward would be able to tell if someone had touched anything.

As Oswald left the room he heard Daniel and Edward fighting so he headed over to them to resolve it. After he did so it was discovered that Daniel's little minx of a girlfriend was listening in. Daniel took her upstairs to his room without another word so Oswald and Edward were left in the parlor. "I hate her Ed." Said Oswald as Edward looked at him. "I mean it! If she died I'd be absolutely pleased." Said Oswald as Edward sighed.
"Honestly I don't think you would." Said Edward as Oswald looked at him.
"And why do you think that?" Asked Oswald as Edward walked over to him.
"Do you remember how I was just after you killed Isabella?" Asked Edward as he wrapped his arms Oswald's waist.
"Yes, why?" Asked Oswald as he wrapped his arms around Edward's shoulders so they held each other.
"Imagine that but over a hundred times worse because he's a teenager." Said Edward as Oswald sighed.
"And we would be the only ones to pick up the pieces." Said Oswald as Edward nodded.
"Sadly, yes." Said Edward softly as he kissed Oswald on the cheek and let go of him. "Alright I'm going back to my work." Said Edward as he turned and started to walk off.
"Ed, there's something I need to tell you... Something really important." Said Oswald as Edward stopped and turned.
"Yes, Oswald?" Asked Edward as Oswald looked conflicted, like he desperately wanted to tell him something but just couldn't find the words much like when he first fell in love with Edward.
"You know, I forget! Guess it wasn't that important after all." Said Oswald with a nervous laugh and Edward could tell that was such a cheap lie but didn't want to force it out of him so he nodded.
"Alright." Said Edward as he turned though thought about looking back but instead walked away.

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