Chapter 5: Warfare

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"Ed are you alright?" Asked Oswald standing in the doorway.
"I'm fine, Oswald." Said Edward as he hung his head staring into the water having his reflection staring back at him with a smug grin. "What did you hear?" Asked Edward as he closed his eyes not wanting to look at his reflection but not wanting to look at Oswald either.
"What did you hear?!" Barked Edward as he turned to Oswald showing panic in his tone and his eyes.
"I heard you talking to yourself." Muttered Oswald as he hung his head trying to show Edward a little respect.
"Why were you listening?" Asked Edward as he lowered his tone trying to remain civil.
"I was concerned for you." Said Oswald as he lifted his gaze.
"Well you don't need to be, I'm fine!" Barked Edward as he stormed passed Oswald.
"Ed just-" Said Oswald but Edward quickly turned to him filled with rage.
"THAT'S NOT MY NAME!!" Shouted Edward. "Ed was some sniveling pathetic little dork who saved your life because he admired you but now he's gone!" Shouted Edward in a frustrated tone as his breathing was heavy, he letting Ed get to him. "I-I'm sorry Oswald. I didn't mean that." Muttered Edward as he sat on the bed holding his head.
"Are you ok?" Asked Oswald as he walked over and sat next to Edward.
"If I tell you will you promise not to make me feel like I'm crazy." Requested Edward softly as Oswald took his hand.
"Of course." He said in an assured tone to make Edward feel like he could trust him.
"Back when I was with Lee, Ed started talking to me. Pointing things out that didn't realize at the time, he made me feel like the idiot of the two of us." Muttered Edward as Oswald was dreadfully confused.
"What do you mean the two of you?" Asked Oswald softly as Edward sighed.
"I have multiple personality disorder and according to Ed I'm not a real person, just a mental manifestation of his subconscious ego. That's all he thinks of me but if it wasn't for me manifesting we would still be walked on by those boring nobody's! No one respected Ed not even you! When you first met him." Muttered Edward as Oswald looked at him confused.
"Are you referring to before or after he kidnapped me." Asked Oswald as Edward sighed.
"I don't remember a time before that."
"You were at the GCPD to talk to Jim, I assume and he followed you through the precinct. He approached you and asked you a riddle. What I have the poor want, the rich need, and if you eat it you'll die. You told him you didn't like riddles. You ended the conversation by telling him he was standing too close then you left." Muttered Edward as Oswald tried to remember that interaction.
"I vaguely remember something like that." Said Oswald as he looked over at Edward. "From what I'm putting together you're not Ed, so why do you care how I treated him before?" Asked Oswald as Edward sighed.
"I don't! That's my point, no one cares about Ed so I don't understand why he's still fighting." Muttered Edward as Oswald looked at him.
"What do you mean?" Asked Oswald as Edward took off his glasses and rubbed the bridge of his nose.
"That's who I was talking to in there. He was telling me that because I was just a manifestation of his ego I was incapable of love." Said Edward as Oswald scoffed.
"And you think he's right don't you?!" Demanded Oswald as he stood up. "Well you listen to me Edward, Riddler or whatever you want to be called! Yes I feel for Ed because he was there for me when no one else was but I fell for you because you've stuck through everything with me bad or good. And I know you love me because no matter how many  chances you had to kill me or leave me you never did. That could either be love or you've been waiting to kill me but I choose to be optimistic." Said Oswald sternly as he sat back down next to Edward. Before Oswald was really even sitting down Edward hugged him tightly burying his face in his shoulder.
"Thank you Oswald." Said Edward as he started to tear up.
"Of course Edward, you're my oldest friend and my greatest love." Said Oswald as he held Edward tight.
"I love you too." Said Edward as he lifted his head and kissed Oswald. They went back to bed and that night Edward wasn't visited by Ed in his sleep again.

The next morning Oswald woke up and found that Edward was nowhere to be found. He called him a dozen times but he didn't pick up once. "Ed this is the last message I'm leaving you before I do something drastic! Please call me back! Please!" Begged Oswald as he started to panic. He waited around for Edward to call back but he didn't. Oswald finally reached a heightened state of anxiety so he sent his men out to find him. "SCOUR THIS CITY AND FIND HIM!!" Shouted Oswald as his men then rushed out. He paced his parlor breathing heavily hoping they'd find him. He sat down and tried to calm himself. He slowed his breathing and tried to think happier thoughts. "Ed's fine, I'm just overreacting." Muttered Oswald as he rubbed his eyes and hung his head but no matter how much he tried to calm himself he just couldn't find his calm.

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