Chapter 17: It's in the Air

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Years had passed Daniel was now 14 and Oswald had offered him more than being his right hand, he offered him the ability to stay out of the limelight Oswald had created for himself long ago. He gave Daniel a dark black chrome blank mask to wear over his face, it was bulletproof to a fault, and had a voice modulator inside it so if Daniel were to speak with it on, no one could trace his voice. Daniel was also offered a place in the Lounge to play piano when ever he wanted.

One morning after particularly nasty night at the Iceberg Lounge Oswald sat at the table having breakfast when Daniel walked in looking like he hadn't slept a wink last night but he had the most peculiar grin on his face. "What's with you?" Asked Oswald as he sipped his coffee.
"I don't know!" He said as he giggled. "I didn't sleep at all last night but I feel fresh as a daisy!" Said Daniel as he sat next to Oswald.
"Well you look like hell." Said Oswald as he set the cup down. "I assume this is about that girl you met last night." He stated referencing the previous night.
"You know me too well." Said Daniel as he laughed and Oswald was becoming irritated by his cheery tone.
"You realize that girl is not allowed in my club anymore." Stated Oswald sternly as Daniel sighed.
"She promised me it wouldn't happen again." Said Daniel losing that happy tone.
"She caused a scene with Harley Quinn someone who was never supposed to be there!" Growled Oswald as Daniel sighed. "Did she even tell you how she knows Harley?" Asked Oswald as Daniel shook his head.
"Nope." Said Daniel as Oswald knew he was lying but sighed.
"Fine I'll leave it alone." Said Oswald as he decided it was better to let Daniel learn on his own. Suddenly Daniel dug his phone out of his shirt pocket.
"The hell?" He questioned as he looked at the caller ID.
"Who is it?" Asked Oswald as Daniel scoffed.
"It's Arkham." Said Daniel he swiped the screen and answered the phone. "Hello?"
"Hi is this Daniel Van Dahl?"
"Yes this is Dr. Malcolm Chace, your father's psychiatrist."
"You're father is demanding to see you."
"You're his psychiatrist right?"
"Then you know how I feel about my Dad!"
"I'm well aware but he's holding four guards hostage, he had five but he killed one of them to prove he wasn't screwing around! Please he's out of control so if we give him what he wants maybe he'll calm down enough so we can sedate him."
"Ok I'll be there in a minute."

"Who was that?" Asked Oswald as Daniel had hung up on the call shoving his phone back in his pocket.
"Apparently Dad is holding people hostage until he gets to see me." Said Daniel as he stood and Oswald just chuckled.
"That sounds Ed." He said with a laugh as he looked up at Daniel. "Do you need me to come with you?" Asked Oswald as he quickly remembered how Daniel felt about his father.
"No, I think I'll be fine." Stated Daniel as he finished through his pockets quickly. "Where are my keys?" He questioned as Oswald took them out of the pocket of his robe and held them up.
"You really need to watch where you set these things down. This is fifth time I've found them out of your possession." Stated Oswald as he looked at Daniel and the boy just walked over smiling then held out his hand. "If I find them out of your possession again I'm keeping them." Stated Oswald sternly as he dropped the keys in Daniel's hand.

Daniel arrived at Arkham seeing Malcolm standing outside. "You're Dr. Malcolm Chace right?" Asked Daniel as the man nodded.
"Yes, please come with me." Said Malcolm as Daniel followed him inside the Asylum. They walked through the halls until the reached a side room where there were three men sitting in electric chairs and Edward sitting across from them holding a button. He was talking to himself.
"I just hope he can listen to me just once or he is going to suffer and I can't do anything about it!" He barked as he paced.
"Dad what the hell are you doing!?" Barked Daniel as he stepped up the chain link fence almost touching it but he felt Malcolm's hand on his shoulder.
"It's electric fence son, I'd suggest not touching it until he disables it." Stated Malcolm softly as Edward stepped behind the desk and pressed a button which made a buzzing noise then Daniel slowly touched it feeling only a slight shock from the residual electricity but it didn't hurt too bad. He opened the gate and stepped inside hearing the electricity switch back on behind him.
"I'm making a point!" Edward barked as he walked over to Daniel. "What are you doing?" He asked as Daniel was confused.
"What?" He asked.
"With that girl! What are you doing?" He barked as Daniel sighed.
"So you know." He said.
"Yeah I know! You wanna know how I know?" He asked as Daniel threw his arms out wide.
"Why not!" He said as shoved his hands into his pockets.
"Because Joker told me while also threatening your life if you hurt her!" He barked as he pressed the button frying one of the guards to a crisp. "So you better keep her happy! Or that will happen to you!" He barked as he scoffed. "If you're lucky." He muttered as Daniel rolled his eyes.
"I think I can handle Joker." Stated Daniel as Edward snapped.
"No you can't! No one can! Not even his little brat of a daughter you've been seeing!" He barked as Daniel grabbed Edward by his Arkham uniform and shoved him against the desk.
"SARAH IS NOT A BRAT!" He shouted as he looked at his father with such hatred showing Edward that his boy really did care about this girl though he had only known her a day or so. Edward pried his son's hands off of him and adjusted his shirt.
"I understand you care for her but you better get it through your head that Joker is unpredictable! If you cross him not even Oswald will be able to protect you." He stated firmly. Eventually Edward was detained but even after Daniel started to consider what he said, was the Joker really someone he wanted to take the chance of pissing off?

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