Chapter: 8 《Ferocious Darkness: Escape》

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Kate's pov

I've been waiting here in the kitchen for a few hours but Chad hasn't come, it's getting boring.

I went downstairs to find Chad even in every nook and cranny, I looked around as if he was not really there. So I thought of going to the garden, it was very peaceful and the fresh air was fragrant.

I walked around to get a better view of the beautiful scenery when I noticed something
"W--wait why is the gate open? And there are no guards guarding it?"

I walked quickly while the guards were not there yet. I was very ignorant at that time because I felt the freedom that I would get.

"Wow" my smile reached my ears as soon as I passed the gate..." It looked so beautiful outside I only have one thing in mind went back to our home, mom and dad were probably waiting there too.

B--but how can I get there? I don't even know where our home is, whether it's here on the left or the right path!" I was sad because I had to choose but I was willing to take a risk just to leave that palace.

I went to the right even though I didn't know where it was going...just for a moment I heard horns and a car running fast.

I was a little nervous at that time but I continued to walk, I looked at what I was passing by which was almost full of tall trees, grass and a flat path. My heart beat faster when I felt someone following me, I sped up walking then I looked behind me...b--but there was nothing.

What if someone is following and it's not my imagination? What if there are a lot of them? I mustered up my courage while running, just a little patience as I was close to many cars to ask for help.

"There's a stray human, nice, we'll have something to eat later" My two ears heard the words of a man behind me who seemed to be stalking me. Because of my fear, I sped up my pace even more, I almost cried because of what I did to escape from Zay's palace.

When I didn't balance my body, I tripped over the rock that was blocking my path.

"Shit!" My body was stuck on the floor, I tried to get up even though it hurt but they quickly grabbed my back.

A woman and t-two men are right in front of me right now.

"W--what are you going to do to me? L--let me go" They immediately tied both of my hands while I was trying to get rid of them. A man came in my direction at the same time he squeezed my chin and smelled it. They are vampires, what should I do?!

"Please let me go" I begged them trembling.

"Shut up!" I was punched in my stomach by a man who was with them. They let me lie down while shaking on the floor and tied my two legs with a rope.

I was crying because of my fear,

"H-HELP!!" I'm taking a chance that someone might hear me.

"Please don't continue what you are planning on me" I begged while sobbing.

"Brother, that woman's noise, Someone will hear us later," he said to his two companions. They made me sit down and tore my clothes.

"NO PLEASE!" I cry in front of them but they still don't listen. The other one took a torn piece of clothing and tied it to my mouth, when he suddenly looked down at my neck, he noticed something and pulled back suddenly.

"O--oh Fuck men!" They panicked away from me. Besides, the two approached to see what was written on my shoulder that scared them.

"B-LACK?! Brother, she is not a stray, there is someone who owns this woman, None other than M-master Zay!" He stuttered to his companions.

"HAHAHAHA Hell yeah you're right" Zay grinned at the three as he approached me and removed the ties from my mouth, hands and feet.

"M--master Zay Forgive us" The three begged. I saw Zay how he stood up slowly while facing them.

And How he can become a wild vampire among the three, he acts very fast.

Zay just stared at the only woman with them and suddenly she was lying alone on the floor gasping for breath while her eyes and mouth were bleeding. Besides, his two companions approached the corpse while wailing.

"Z--zay please Stopped it!" I told him but he still didn't hear anything.

He approached the two men who were just standing, He controlled them then he grabbed the necks of the two and choked them up...I shed tears while he doing that.

Blood spattered at the same time their heads were cut off.

My two eyes are witness to how he kills the lower types of Vampires.

W-what will he do to me?...Will he lock me in the basement again?

Zay came closer to me then I got up slowly even though my stomach was still hurting.

"S-sorry Zay" I said while sobbing

"Its okay, D-dont do that again" He said to me and I could feel his voice being sluggish.

I grabbed Zay's head and put it on my shoulder.

"Thank you for saving my life Zay, You can drink my blood to restore your old vitality" Zay quickly bit my neck.

He buried his sharp fangs in my shoulder while continuing to suck my blood, I could feel the pain all over my body.

I noticed that there was no car passing here and I thought that I had taken the wrong path I felt his hand touching my arm until it reached my bust, he took advantage because I wasn't wearing any clothes.

He squeezed my bosom while sucking the blood from my neck.

"Ohh Zay!" I groaned,

I grabbed his arm because I knew I was already lethargic at that time and my vision was getting blurry but Zay lift me up to go back to his palace.

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