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Read at your own risk!

Five years later...

Kate pov

It should be ten pieces, why is the other one still missing? Where do I put that?...Oh, maybe in the other Envelope... Yes, the Chart is here, I might forget it sometimes. This Friday, our boss often comes around to see the works we have started. Tomorrow is a holiday so I better show my projects.

I knocked three times on my boss's office and he let me in.

"Sir Zay, I'm sorry for the inconvenience, these are my projects" I handed it to him and smiled.

"Alright, I'll just check if it's okay and then you can report it on Monday" He turned his gaze to his laptop.

"Thank you Sir!" I left, then I went back to my office.

I stayed up a bit last night because of the project I did, and later I didn't realize that I had taken a nap at my table.

I woke up because I felt someone caressing my hair. "Sleep tight sweetie" I suddenly stood up from where I was sitting because of his calm and gentle voice.

"Uhm I'm sorry Sir Zay" I only said to him because I know it's wrong to sleep inside the Office especially when work time.

"Get ready for my sweet punishment tonight!" My eyes widened when Zay whispered to me, but the wind changed when I grinned at him then I rode his Joke.

"At least a few more rounds!" Even though Zay is my fiance, nothing has changed in our relationship with each other.
"Hahaha you're really crazy Zay" then I pinched his nose.

"I love you Kate" Then he kissed me. "Come on, your dad and mom are already waiting for us" I looked at the time, my colleagues had already left the office.

After we got off the 2nd floor, I immediately got into Zay's car...

Before he drove off he gave me another sweet kiss.

Zay quickly started his car so we could get to our house immediately.

I texted mom when I received her missed call. I got dressed in a gown while Zay was flexing his muscular muscles in his tuxedo.

I looked in the mirror, I should look good tonight at the party because Zay and I prepared it with my Mom and Dad.

While I was wearing the gown on my body, I suddenly saw the mark on my shoulder, fortunately it was covered by the see-through with a sleeve on my shoulder.

Zay immediately went in my direction and stroked my hair.
"You look gorgeous tonight" His mouth came to my neck and sniffed but he stopped and looked at me then he pressed his soft lips to my red lips.

His kiss was very familiar but I ignored it and focused my attention on his neck tie.

"Come on, we'll be late, Zay" he suddenly pinched my nose while grinning at me.

"Zay! Grrr!" He walked first then I sped up my pace, Before he could get into his car I hit him in the b*tt and ran towards the other door of the car.

We both laughed then he drove his car to my parents' palace. I stared at Zay's handsome face next to me then I felt his palm caressing my hand before we got out of his car.

Chad, Zay's brother, immediately greeted us and came towards my parents.

There were many lights around us, elegant chandeliers, delicious food, many people and our relatives dancing.

I immediately hugged Mom and Dad wearing expensive clothes and jewelry, while Zay paid respect to my parents.

"Congratulations both of you" Mom and Dad said at the same time then they signaled to me and Zay to entertaining those who will come tonight.

Chad stood next to Zay as he introduced his girlfriend, Beverley.

Beverley and I seem to be very close as if we have been together for a long time. We left Zay and Chad while talking to the staff who will prepare for our wedding.

"Congratulations to you and Uncle Zay, we are happy for you both"

"Thank you Beverley"
"Congratulations to you and Chad, we are also excited to see the baby in your tummy" I smiled at her.

Her belly was only three months old so it wasn't too obvious yet. Then Beverley poured some wine and invited me to cheer, since it was our party I couldn't refuse.

"I'm also waiting for your baby with Uncle Zay" We laughed but the truth is I haven't had my period for two months.

Chad suddenly approached us, I asked where Zay was. "I don't know Sis Kate, he left as soon as they finished talking" I immediately said goodbye to both of them then I looked for Zay where he was.

Fortunately, Zay and I finished giving a speech in front of the stage, it was fun to watch while the crowd enjoyed dancing.

Suddenly I thought maybe he was just in the restroom, I immediately opened the door. I went inside even though it was dark and suddenly i smelled the familiar perfume on my side. I stepped back and didn't realize that the door was immediately closed.

I was about to scream when he covered my mouth and whispered to me. "This is my sweet punishment tonight Kate" while still holding my mouth, my tears suddenly fell but he immediately wiped them away.

"Why are you here Zay? I don't feel comfortable when you're out of my sight!" I hugged him then I leaned on his chest. His heart beat very fast and his breath landed on my forehead.

I saw the moonlight in the window that served as light inside this Restroom.

I felt Zay's palms on my arms, he slowly removed the long ribbon from my back and helped me to remove the gown from my body then he started kissing my back with his lips then he released his soft tongue on my back.

I faced him then unbuttoned his tuxedo, grabbed his arm and slowly lowered my hands towards his waist.

He suddenly picked me up and made me sit on the sink. He kissed me passionately moving his hands all over my body, he attached me closer to his body and his kiss went down to my ch*st, I could feel that he was playing it with his soft tongue while holding my hands tightly on his shoulders.

When Zay finished, his lips immediately went to my shoulder until he took out his sharp fangs and buried them in my shoulder.

I shouted but Zay immediately covered my mouth again. He wasted no time in sucking my shoulder while the blood dripped.

I leaned on Zay's shoulder. "I know you will be a good father in my womb Zay" I whispered to him then he stopped sucking my blood.

"Really?" He was surprised by what I said, he suddenly hugged me.
"I'm sorry earlier in the Office Kate, I shouldn't have woken you up while you were sleeping...YES! I'm happy because I'm going to be a father!" He put me down properly then got dressed and we went to the party again.

"Everyone is invited to my wedding with Amber Kate Miller-Black this coming Sunday" he took the mic and He announced again what he said earlier in the front, hahaha.

"I love you Kate as well as our future child" he knelt down and kissed my stomach. The people around us clapped and the moving dances continued.

"I love you more my dear Zay always and forever!"

Thank you so much for reading Ferocious Darkness and for supporting. Keep safe everyone ♡♡♡

Once again I'm xxhapvamirexx
I love my readers.

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