Chapter 21:《Ferocious Darkness: The Battle》

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Expect some grammatical problems, typographical errors and any writing issues ahead.

R-18+ This Chapter Contains Sensitive Topics such as treat with cruelty, Language etc, As for sensitive viewers, you may read it at your own risk or read something else if you're too sensitive

Narrator's pov

Zay chose strong and battle-ready vampire soldiers, more than 200 of them accompanied Zay to the Wilderness land next to the graves of the departed powerful vampires.

This Place is a Legend Zion and Joe also fought here. The fight cannot be end until no soul is taken. This place is very dangerous compared to the Town of normal People. Its dangerous when people injured in that place because the unexpected will happen, not only your clothes will be torn to shreds but also your body will be torn into pieces like paper.

Zay Pov

My vision darkened when I saw Chad and Beverly kneeling with their hands tied.

"Chad! Beverly!" Kate was crying as she approached them.

"No, this is a trap" The surroundings were very clean and we were the only ones here.

The five soldiers walked first, the others took positions in different directions where I assigned them, just a few minutes before the screaming vampires sitting on top stole our attention.

"Ahh!" Joe suddenly attacked five vampire soldiers in my area.

"F*ck, Everyone stay focused!"
"Wilbert don't take your eyes off to Kate" Half human and half Vampire, Wilbert's senses are sharp and act quickly like vampires.

"Zay be careful" I just patted Kate on her head and then I looked at Joe who was attacking with fellow vampires who were on his side.

"Fight me Joe!" My hands are shaking from anger and my jaws are stiff.

"Oh Zay! Hahaha why not?" Suddenly Joe disappeared in front of me and I knew he was just behind me.

Damn it, I felt a scratch on my back and the Vampires watching were screaming with happiness.

"Zay!" I heard Kate's voice even though she was far from me.

"Hmm you brought a dish here Zay!" Joe's demeanor changed and he moved slightly towards where Kate was standing.

Suddenly, Joe stopped when I stepped in front of him and when I got the right timing, I grabbed Joe's insides from his stomach, now his intestines were sticking out of his stomach.

"This is for betrayed to my Family!" I looked into his eyes and he even managed to smile at me.

"I won't allow you to rule this world Zay, Hahahaha" The force of the impact of being thrown to the side made me to get up immediately but I couldn't find where Joe was.

Later I caught Mia and Bhea watching from the side while still smiling.

"You fit in the grave Zay So give up Hahaha!" I growled because I could feel the scratching everywhere, I could almost see the bones in my arms and the numbness that Joe was doing all over my body. I didn't realize that I was already lying on the floor, My vision was getting a little blurry. I noticed that Joe's nails have poisons.

"Die, Little Rat Hahahaha" I saw that he was holding a long sharp knife, then he buried it in my chest, My whole body was in great pain and the blood spread on the floor where I was lying.

I already felt the rotation around me as well as noises around me. I suddenly remembered the happy memories I had with my family, until I got my Pet Kate. Joe stabbed me in the chest today and it was the same as when Kate was stabbed when I brought her home to my palace.

I suddenly grabbed my neck and remembered what Kate gave me. I started to drink from the small jar around my neck.

My muscles recovered and the lesions on my skin disappeared. My body goes wild because of the little blood that drips from my mouth.

I heard a scream, it was none other than Mia. Beverly stabs Mia without hesitation. I was going in Beverly's direction but it was too late, Joe shredded Beverly's body, I still didn't stop going in Joe's direction.

I can hear Chad sobbing because of what Joe did.

"I will never forgive you Joe!" Suddenly, he snatched Joe's Heart but he was still able to speak and was laughing.

"We're not done yet" Joe grinned

"For the traitor who pretended to be nice to my family! Rot in the grave as*h*le" He suddenly fell to the floor when I cut off his head.

Chad crushed Joe's head because of his anger and killing Beverly, his brain and blood splattered on the floor. Until Chad stopped.

After a while, the vampires who bet on the ticket and won the bet cheered while watching our match earlier.

"Zay! I killed Bhea" Kate came to me while sobbing full of blood, I also hugged Chad who was still wiping tears.

"I will change the course of the World as Chad and I discussed" After some time I sat on the Throne and then I raised the long Sword in my hand. Everyone in front of me knelt down, even Kate and Chad.

Chad and I agreed to release the people, remove their memories, live Free, happy and peaceful life.

While my fellow Vampires have their own place and it also depends on them if they want to live as a real person. But all their memories will be lost.

The dawn reached us, Then the soldiers buried the remains that were lying around.

"Thank you Zay and Chad! I will see my whole family soon" He hugged me tightly but Chad and I still looked at each other.

I'm going to erase your memory Kate Before you see your family. But I will not remove your memory from sucking your blood.

We went home to my palace, I also told Wilbert to give rewards to the remaining soldiers and he will also take care of distributing. The one for him is also separate.

"Congratulations Master Zay"

"Thank you Wilbert!"

Wilbert immediately moved to do his task,

I suddenly saw Kate entering the Room, I followed her.

"Zay, You guys are great, Thanks again" I walked over to the bed where Kate was sitting. He suddenly kissed me and I returned it with a passionate kiss, but Kate also stopped as she hugged me and whispered.

"Go to Chad's room, he need you now. I'm going to sleep Zay, sleep next to me too later"

"Goodnight Kate, I love you." Your wish will be fulfilled when you wake up.

"Goodnight, I love you too Zay"

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