Chapter 19:《Ferocious Darkness: Old palace》

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Kate pov

*The next morning

I went to the kitchen because I felt hungry, I was a little changed because Chad and Beverly leave for a few days.

Suddenly I smelled delicious food coming from the top of the table I opened it and my eyes lit up with delight.

I really miss this food, after a while I heard a loud footstep coming in.

"Looks like you've missed what I cooked" Zay came in and sat in front of me I just smiled then i offered him to eat but he refused.

While I was eating I noticed that he was staring at me.

"Oh wait! I almost forgot Zay, it's been hidden this things from me for a long time, you can use it in case you get injured" I patted my pocket then I lifted the necklace and the pendant of this small jar containing my blood.

"I did it for you in case I wasn't by your side also if you got injured, just drink it and your wound will be heal quickly" I added.

I stood up then i put it on his neck and was about to return to my seat but he quickly grabbed my arm and he whispered in my ear.

"I promise that I will not allow you to disappear from my side and besides I'll follow you anywhere" I stared at him and I noticed something strange in his eyes, he also let go of my arm then I went back to my seat.

Zay's eyes showed joy because of the necklace that I gave to him.

"I will going to the library Kate, ready your important things you need." After a while he stood up and left. I just nodded since I was about to finish my meal, I rested before i go upstairs and prepare what I would bring.

I suddenly caught a glimpse of the clothes lying on Zay's bed.

It's so pretty and I know it's what I'm going to wear today. I packed my things and then I prepared myself but suddenly I looked in the mirror and I noticed the bite buried in my shoulder, Nathan's bite is still on me I can't believe that Chad saved my life even though it was dangerous. I also heard from Beverly that Chad killed Nathan, I'm not aware of what happened to myself that time and I don't want that bad nightmare happened to me again.

When I finished to packed my things I immediately go to ladder and I noticed that Zay was already downstairs waiting for me. He was massive and tall.

He picked up my belongings and put them in the car. I rode next to the driver's seat while Zay was driving.

"Where are we going?" I suddenly thought to ask.

More than three minutes passed before Zay spoke. "I want to visit my Mom in our old Palace"

He held my hand and looked at me simply "Are you nervous hahaha?" Zay asked me then laughed, I immediately let go of his hand "tsk"

I flipped his arm at the same time.
"Shut up Zay, your face makes me more nervous" I said jokingly to him.

"You can find me if I'm not by your side, right Zay?" I asked him but it took more than a few minutes before he answered again.

"What do you think?" I just ignored his question and stared at his face for a long time while he was driving.

"Don't look at me like that Kate" he just looked straight.

"I was imagining that our son would be handsome like you" then I caressed his muscular arm and I couldn't stop laughing because of what I said. He stopped driving then he looked at me intently as he approached me very slowly, he caressed my cheek down to my chin then Zay kissed me very hot, I was stunned by what he did and he suddenly stopped what he intended to do to me.

"We're here" Zay said as he immediately got out of the car When I got down, the wind was blowing differently, this place was old and looked like an abandoned palace. I held Zay's rod tightly and we immediately entered Zay's old palace.

We went up the stairs until we reach the 4th floor and the first room.

"This was my room before" I was surprised because it was almost the age of my great-grandparents. I noticed that the bed wasn't dusty so I sat down while I arranged my things.

Zay also mentioned to me his mother who is in prison on the 5th floor. I'm a little nervous because the sun is about to set and I'm afraid that Zay might leave me here alone in the middle of the night.

"Zay don't leave me alone here" I begged Zay as I looked at him standing next to the door. He just grinned at me and stared teasingly, he crossed his arms and looked at me intently. I approached him slowly and hugged him tightly. "Just look for me when I'm out of your sight" I calmly said to Zay while he was still looking at me and wanted to say something.

He suddenly spoke something that I didn't expect.

"I will do everything for you, I will fight for you until death" he whispered to me while kissing my forehead. We hugged each other and I felt warmth caressing to my skin until I didn't realize that I was lying on the soft bed with Zay on top of me.

I will do anything to make you happy Zay but I hope you will help me to get the freedom of people like me, who are imprisoned in the hands of heartless Vampires.

"I love you my Kate" He moaned and my ears tingled at what he said, then I felt his passionate kiss on my lips until my femininity gave in to him and I slowly lost consciousness of what we were doing to each other.

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