Chapter 11 《 Ferocious Darkness: New pet》

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Kate's pov

"Mom this is my new pet, her name is Kate and Kate this is my mom"

"Uhm hello" I smiled at Zay's mom
And her Mother's face gradually faded when i heard loud footsteps towards where i was lying.

"Kate prepare your self" His face is in front, then I directed my eyes to his bare muscular body and took a deep breath when i saw it was covered with an Apron.

"Noted Master Zay!" I said to Zay

Wait! what madness entered my dream and how i created an image that i had never known in my entire life?

I immediately stood up to fix myself, then after a while an elegant dress appeared in front of me.

"Wait! where to go?" I asked myself and quickly put it on furthermore went down to the kitchen.

"Where is Kate?" i was about to hear a burly voice.

"There she is" Chad said while standing at the kitchen door

"You look beautiful in your dress Ate Kate"
He smiled while looking at his brother who was still teasing.

"Thanks Chad!" I turned around and bowed, Chad and i just laughed so hard but Zay couldn't hold back and immediately spoke. "Chad, you will meet your own pet today" Chad's eyes widened and his smiles reached till ears. "Wait 6 months before I get my own pet but...Whoaa cool brother is it true?what I heard Today?" He almost jumped because of the joy he felt right now.

Then he easily said goodbye to us before leaving in the palace...

A few minutes of inexplicable silence in the kitchen
Zay and i were just eating when suddenly Shawn knocked on the door.

"Pardon me please Sir Zay and ma'am Kate, Sir Col is here waiting outside"

I turned to Zay's face and he frowned slightly.

Tap-tap-tap (the footsteps are very loud)

"I'm coming Zay, it's boredom outside hehe" the two stared at each other for a long minutes

Wait who is this guy?? I looked and suddenly he caught my eyes and i lowered my gaze a little to his nose which obviously smelled strong.

He quickly came to me just in time to touch my hair but Zay immediately stopped him "Don't touch my Woman" he clenched his hand secretly.

"WHAHAHHA that's why you didn't go to the Club" He laughed as an evil loudly and then clapped

I watched his nose and he was still sniffing as if it was looking for something.

"Thanks for meeting me Zay, I will be back again" He grinned as he walked

But Col is not yet satisfied "I like your woman, her aroma" He turned to me then winked.
"Alas" Zay's whispered

I felt his head heating up next to me.

"Forgive me Master Zay" Manong Shawn bowed then led Col. out of the palace.

"Darn, I lost my appetite" Zay's face couldn't be painted because of what happened, he suddenly stood up and punched the table which scared me.

"W-what's the problem Zay?!" I asked him immediately

He just continued walking in front of me, and didn't answer my question until he left the room without saying anything.

I'm confused, Col...who is that guy?

"And this is the kitchen" And suddenly I heard Chad voice, He entered the room where i was just sitting then still dumbfounded by the incident.

"What happened here Ate Kate?" Chad asked me and came closer to me.

He said to the girl with him to sit down before he asked me

While i was explaining what happened earlier, he suddenly explained what kind of Vampire is Collins
I won't wonder why

"Hello" I smiled at Chad's pet, you will notice that she's ashamed and her head is bent down seemed to be alone in the world.

After a second I was glad when she stared at me and smiled.

"By the way Kate this is Beverly my pet" Chad is so happy and i can totally see in his eyes and smile that he really loves his pet very much..

"She's gorgeous, call me Ate Kate and from now on you are one of the member of this palace Beverly, And also if you want to talk to me I'm here" I said to Beverly

"Thanks Ate Kate" She cried and stood up then she hugged me tightly.

I also feel the feeling of being separated from the family.

After a while, Chad called manong Shawn to clean up the mess in the kitchen that had been scattered before.

Few minutes, I take leave Chad and Beverly to the kitchen while I decided to rest in my room.

When i arrived at my room i slowly opened the door and at this moment a man lying on the bed, its Zay.

I went to where he was lying, and stared at his sweaty sweaty face, i caressed his neck then my eyebrows meet because his body was so hot.

I quickly took hanky and hot water from the basin.

He groan so weak and suddenly I speak to him closely " Don't worry Zay I will never leave you here" and then I hold his hand tightly.

I watched until the sun went down and i didn't realize that i had caught a glimpse

Chad's Pov

I held beverly's hand rigid as we went up to her room, i couldn't stop smiling..

"This is your room...ehem our room, and all the clothes in the cabin are yours okay? Then tell me if you want something" I said to her while holding my hand in my pocket

And suddenly she open the cabin and choose a dress, I saw her lips smiling but her eyes full of sorrow then I walk toward to her and hug her so tight and it ended up crying on my shoulder.

I pat her back so gently and wiping her tears fallin' "Don't worry Beverly your safe here" I whisper

"D-don't hurt me master, love me like a real family" She's sobbing like a child.

"Trust me me Beverly, I promise" and then I kiss her cheek.

"I will Prepared our dinner on the garden, wear whatever clothes you want as long as you are comfortable" I smile at her
"By the way Just called me Chad, I will give you time to premeditate yourself Im going to the library" She just nodded and then she continued picking for clothes she wanted

I walked inside the library until i found something....i suddenly became silent because of what i saw.
"Chad" I turned in Beverly Direction

"Wow! So gorgeous" I hold her right hand and turn it slowly, how exquisitely.

She just smiled then she put the remaining hair behind her ear.

"Let's make this night memorable" and I please her hand while walking.

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