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Expect some grammatical problems, typographical errors and any writing issues ahead.

Kate pov

"Boss, what's your plan with her?"

"Lay this girl on the bed then tie her both hands and feet" I immediately opened my eyes when I heard an unfamiliar voice in front of me, when I looked at their faces I felt their actions are not good.

"W-AIT WHERE AM I?!" My heart was beating fast when I saw myself tied to the bed with ropes.

"Boss she's awake" Said the man guarding in front of me.

"W-hat are you guys going to do?!" I asked stutteringly, then a man came and sat beside me.

"Shhh" I was scared when he touched me as his lips came closer to my neck as he sniffed.

"Please L-et me go" I sobbed as i struggled. He stuck his thumb finger to my lips then he inserted it and also took it out to get saliva in my mouth.

Later he tasted his thumb finger while sucking it deliciously.

My tears started to fall when I heard their boss' order. "Klenx please take off her clothes and tie her mouth as well" they grinned.

"H-ELP, PLEASE DON'T! LET ME GO" I stammered and screamed loudly in case someone heard me.

When they tore my upper clothes, suddenly the big glass window in front of me was broken. I can't speak or move because my hands, feet and my mouth are tied up. They did not continue their plan with me because of the man who entered from the broken window.

"DAMN IT! I DON'T WANT ANYONE WHO TAKES WHAT IS NOT FROM HIM!" Zay said angrily to these men as he started the fight.

'You'll look like a small insect in Zay's eyes Once You Made Him Angry.'

I can see with my two eyes how Zay cut off their Hands and Heads, There was a lot of blood splattered on the wall as well as on my bodies...I was shaking when I saw these events in front of me.

When he finished killing them, Zay immediately came to me to remove the ropes that tied to my bodies, I just cried and wiped my tears immediately.

"I'm so sorry Kate I'm late, are you okay?" besides, he took off his tuxedo and placed it on my shoulder.

"Z-ay on your b-ack!" My world stopped when Zay stabbed him in the back...

"Damn you Bloody Oath! HAHAHAHAH" Their boss said energetically as he stabbed Zay. The color of Zay's eyes changed as he stared at me then he faced him, I was very surprised when Zay finished the fight immediately.

I can see how their boss's body is mutilated, his head, legs and hands are cut off while his heart is out.

"Z-ay!" When the fight was over, he was fainting next to me. He stuck to my chest and leaned, I couldn't balance my body because of his weight so we both fell on the soft bed. Oh Come on!

"Zay Wake up!" Zay was on top while I was under heavy on him.

I grabbed Zay's head and put it on my shoulder. His eyes open wide then he licked before he sinking his sharp fangs into my neck while sucking it gently.

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