Chapter 1

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"Katie! Wake up were going out!" I heard my older brother call. I rolled my eyes and work up the strength to yell back, after all he did just wake me. "why?" I yell from upstairs. He bursts through the door and jumps on me landing on my stomach. "jerk!" I uttered in pain. "I need to talk to you." he simply replied. "Okay... I'll be down in 15." I replied rolling him off the bed resulting him into falling onto the floor. I walk into my restroom and throw on some jeans and a T shirt and my hair in a ponytail. After washing my face I slip on my black vans and walk downstairs to Caspar. In case you haven't figured it out yet thats my brother. "lets go!" I call out and step outside the door letting the cooling air in South Africa hit me. "where are we going?" I ask starting the walk to nowhere in particular. "Pizza?" We say at the same time and then start laughing.

"So what did you need to tell me casp?" I ask while taking a bit of my half eaten pizza. " I don't know how to say this.." he starts and pauses. "just spit it out Caspar you know how much I hate when people beat around the bush." I interrupt and reach for my drink and take a long sip. "I'm moving to London." He blurts out really fast. I spit out my drink on the table wipe my mouth."what?" I ask confused. This must be a joke. "I'm moving to London, with Joe." so many questions are in my head. I don't understand. Why is he leaving me? Were best friends! Hell were twins! Sure he may be older by 2 hours but I still don't know what I'm going to do! With us being twins I feel like were closer than just a regular brother sister relationship. We did everything together and I mean EVERYTHING. We started our youtube channels with the help of each other. I tell him everything. "Joe?" I ask. Out of all the questions, I ask who he is going to live with. "Thatcherjoe, he's a youtuber too his sister is Zoella." I nod along I know them they're hilarious. "when are you leaving?" He looks down. "2 days." he replies not bothering to look up. Like he knows if he does he would maybe just possibly change his mind. "Oh." was all i could manage to say.

The next two days consist of tears, movies, ice cream and old family movies. The drive to the airport was silent. I told myself not to cry but deep down I knew I would. They called his flight and suddenly it hit me. This was really happening. I grabbed him and pulled him into a hug and squeezed him to the point where he could burst. At this point holding the tears back would be useless as he was crying too. "Your going to visit right?" He asked. "of course. you shouldn't even have to ask." They call his flight one last time. It took everything to let go. Watching him walk away hurt more than 100 bee stings. I cannot wait to see him.

(English summertime)

"Caspar! Your late for everything! I'm waiting at the airport!" I shout through the phone. "I'm sorry! I was asleep!" Typical Caspar. To him there is no such thing as oversleeping. "Okay I just got here I'm outside about to walk in." I grab my suitcase and walk through the overwhelming crowd of people. However it surprisingly didn't take that long to find Caspar thanks to his large height. However next to him was a familiar face, However I can't put my finger on it. I smile at Caspar and engulf him into a hug . I pull back to face HIM. The second our eyes met my heart melted. It's like He could see straight through me. The way his hair was perfectly styled. It had that effortless messy style but still... perfect. Katie what are you saying you haven't even met the boy yet! "Hi! I'm Joe!" He says sweetly. "Hello, I'm Katie, Caspar's sister in case you can't tell." I joked which made him chuckle. That chuckle gave me butterflies. "Let me help you with that!" He says as he reaches for my suitcase. "Thank you! " I reply. What a gentlemen. This summer was definitely going to be the best one yet.

Caspar Lee's little sister(Joe Sugg fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now