Chapter 26

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"Joe! Wake up!" I shouted running around the flat. Let's just say today was not my day. I was rushing to finish packing as I may or may not have forgotten about our trip. The worst part is we need to leave in an hour and a half! I wasn't even dressed yet! "Joe!" I shouted louder and aggravated. "mmm what?" He asked squinting and letting his eyes accept the light. "get up! We have to leave in a little over an hour and you haven't even packed!" I replied while shoving some jeans and shorts into a suitcase. I He swung his feet over the bed before slowly walking to the bathroom. I finished packing and pulled out a simple red casual skater dress. I wanted to impress his dad. Thank god I showered last night and my hair was already air dried. I quickly undressed and pulled on the red dress over my skin. After brushing it down with my hands and looking in the mirror Joe finally walked out. His feet making his way towards me and wrapping his hands around my waist and smiling down at me. As much as I love these moments, time was ticking. He slowly leaned down but I leant up quickly to close the gap. He smiled into the kiss. "mm- okay Joe I need to finish getting ready, pack." I smiled and walked into the restroom and picked up my brush. I started at the roots of my hair before tugging through letting knots come undone as I did so. Finally finished Scrunching my nose in pain, I pulled out my makeup bag and applied a bit of foundation. After 15 minutes I finished my natural everyday makeup look. I pulled out my curling iron and took my time doing some loose waves. 20 minutes later I packed the last few things I needed. I walked into a room and saw a shirtless Joe pulling a shirt over his head. That sight had me weak. I smiled and walked over to his suitcase- more like back pack. I don't understand how guys could pack literally like 2 shirts and be okay for like nearly a week. Us girls needed our makeup, hair tools, clothes, shoes, etc. I grabbed a t-shirt from his wardrobe and chucked it into his suitcase along with some pants. I looked at the clock, we were having dinner at 6 and it took 4 hours to get there, it was now 1pm and we needed to leave in 30 minutes. I decided to make us a bowl of cereal each and called Joe. He brought the bags up shortly after setting them down and walked towards the chair where his bowl was. "Are you excited to see your dad?" He nodded quickly. "soo excited." he said smiling and then taking a drink of orange juice. My nerves calmed a bit now that we were on maybe slightly ahead of schedule. I stood up and turned to put my bowl in the sink. Something grasped my arm holding me back making me jerk slightly forward and almost dropped the bowl. I turned around and set the bowl back on the table before meeting the eyes that nearly got me dirty with milk. "Thank you so much for coming." He said barely audible. "Anything for you pookie." he groaned annoyed slightly but you could note that he was joking. His eyes lit up. My eyebrows joined together making a confused face before i started giggling. " Can we please prank my dad!" He said excitedly. "I don't know Joe, this is the first time I'm going to meet him,I don't want him to hate me already!" I explained. "fine.... Odd's on?" He asked raising an eyebrow. He knew I never turned down a game of Odd's on. "1-5" i said squinting my eyes. "3..2..1" "4!" I said but my eyes widened noticing he said 4 as well. "Yes!" He shouted. I rolled my eyes. "what are we going to do?" I asked. I became nervous as an evil smirk form across his face. "you'll see." he smiled.
"After a 3 hour jam session in the car I remembered our little odds on game. I turned down the radio and looked at him. "what's the prank?" I asked while chipping the nail polish off. He smirked once more. "Congrats on becoming a mom!" He smiled widely as my eyes widened in horror. Pranking ashton was different we all knew each other. What I'm just gonna walk in there and say
"Hey Mr.Sugg I know we just met but congrats your going to be a grandpa!"
Oh boy. These four days will be great.
"Are you sure you remember what to say?"he asked parked in the driveway. "yes!" I said for the billionth time."Now can we go in?" I asked nervously. "yeah lets go." he squeezed my leg before opening his door and stepping out.
We reached the door and I pressed the doorbell letting out a sigh. The door flung open revealing a middle aged man with the same eye color as Joe's. A smile was placed on his face as he saw his son. He pulled him into a tight hug. "I missed you Joseph." he said smiling. I smiled at how happy they were. "I missed you too dad!" He said squeezing him in return. They finally let go and his dad turned to me with that very same smile still on his face. "Hi! I'm Graham, you must be Katie!" He said holding his hand out. I gladly took it and smiled back. "That's me, it's very nice to finally meet you. "Reservations are at 6:30 so what do you say we head out now?" Joe suggested I nodded along feeling sorry for my already numb butt for having to make it sit again. "Yeah let me just take these for you." Graham said to Joe and grabbed the suitcase and leading them upstairs before returning.
"Thank you so much for dinner Graham it was lovely!" I smiled widely. "anything for the woman who makes my son so happy. " He returned. I felt the heat rise to my cheeks. I make Joe happy. I smiled even wider. "Listen dad, they're is something we need to tell you." Joe looked down. I swear he should be an actor. I felt so bad for what I'm about to do. "go on then." he smiled back Joe. "I got Katie pregnant" he looked down making it look like he was ashamed. His Dad's gaze shifted from me to Joe to Me then back to Joe again. His expression unreadable. I stared at the ground making me look just as ashamed as Joe. "oh." he managed out. "Congrats on being a Grandpa?" I tried lightening the mood and he gave me a soft smile at my 'too soon' joke. "well that's great I guess congratulations!" He smiled but his face was still unreadable. "Joe can I talk to you?" Joe nodded and stood up and walked towards the bathroom. Joe turned to me and gave me a thumbs up. I chuckled at him as the butterflies settled. The silliest things he does always have the biggest affect on me. I could see his dad talking to him rather firmly by the looks of it. I looked away then back again and saw Joe laughing. Jokes over! I saw graham smack Joe's head before laughing at him. They walked back to the table and sat down. "ha ha." he laughed sarcastically. "She's a prankster I see, definitely a keeper." he nodded towards Joe. I smiled so wide. He likes me! Wow!

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