Chapter 25

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Katie's pov:
"I can't believe we're going home!" I sighed and stared at the line in front of us for a bag search. "It's been fun!" Joe said snaking his arms around my waist. I smiled and placed a kiss on his lips. Lauren told us to save us a spot in line while she said goodbye to Luke. "so I may have forgotten to mention something..." Joe trailed nervously. "yeah?..." I asked nervously trying to read his face. "I was wondering if maybe you can come to bath with me to meet my dad, and maybe stay a couple nights there?" He asked really hopeful. He want's me to meet his dad? I mean we have been dating for ten months now, maybe it was overdue actually. Oh god what if he hates me. "He's not gonna hate you." Joe chuckled. Apparently I said that last sentence out loud. I smiled at how confident Joe was that he would like me. He pouted with his puppy dog eyes and I just couldn't say no. "okay." I said grinning up at him. "really?" He said excitedly. I nodded and giggled at his reaction. "Just one more thing."he made a nervous laugh. "yeah?" I asked. "We leave in 3 days." My eyes widened. "but were just getting back home." I know I'm sorry, it's just it's the only time I can stay and we will only stay for four days." he said rambling. I rolled my eyes playfully. "Joe thats fine." We kissed once more before Lauren came back with glossy eyes. "hey are you okay?" I asked. "yeah!" She replied cheerfully but deep down I knew there was something wrong but if you knew Lauren she wouldn't tell you until she was ready. "Okay." I smiled sympathetically to her.
The whole plane ride was literally of Me and Joe being shushed by the flight attendants. It was nice to touch the floor after 11 hours. "I'll see you guys soon!" Lauren called as she headed towards her uber to go back to her flat. "okay Love you" I shouted back "see ya!" Joe called. As the uber pulled up Joe opened the door for me and a I thanked him. I was so excited to get home and see Caspar. I really hope he still wasn't that sad over Lauren though. I ordered a pizza to be delivered so it should be there once we get there!
"Caspar!!" I shouted. "Katie!!!" Caspar shouted. running up the stairs and engulfing me into a hug. "I missed you so much Casp!" I grinned. "Look what I got us!" I shouted as I picked up the pizza and showed him. His eyes went wide with a huge grin. It's nice to see Caspar back to his loud and silly self. He snatched the pizza box from me and ran downstairs to his room. I heard the lock click and sighed. "Now you know why I ordered two?" I told Joe as I picked up the hidden pizza box from the floor. He chuckled and shook his head. "come on let's eat." he said setting our bags down and taking the pizza box to the table. After 5 minutes we heard footsteps come up the stairs. Caspar appeared with the box. He walked to the trash and threw it away. "Caspar... you at a whole large pizza in under five minutes!" I said with my mouth dropped open. I need this talent. "Yup!" He said proud. I rolled my eyes. Joe and I finished up our dinner and went to go lay down. We weren't tired at all but we knew we need to get back on track with our sleep schedule. I looked at the clock that said 10 pm. "I'm going to take a quick shower." I told Joe and grabbed my clothes. His eyes lifted from his computer and he nodded.
"I'm really excited for you to meet my Dad." i heard Joe's voice. It was black in the room due to us laying down and ready for bed. I could only feel his body heat behind me. "I'm kinda nervous." I admitted. He pulled me closer and lifted his head to place a kiss in the crook of my neck. "Don't be, he's just like me!" He said proudly. "oh dear, theres two of you?" I joked. "ha ha" his fake laughing made obvious. "if I love you, He's definitely going to love you." he kissed my neck one more time before laying his head back down. "Thank you." I stared into the darkness in front of me. "for what?" he asked. "for always knowing just what to say to calm me down." I stated while turning around to face him. "Your welcome."He stared into my eyes before placing a kiss on my nose. I wrinkled it in response. I giggled at his random act. "goodnight pookie " I whispered into the darkness and smiled at my new nickname I just made up. "pookie?" He laughed. "yup that is your new nickname! Goodnight pookie." I explained. "goodnight princess." He stifled his laugh with the pillow under him. .

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